Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Indestructible Creatures/Seed Shrimp

Well hello Tuesday, I am up and dressed, Leo is here and in around 90 minutes I will drive him to school. He is naturally looking forward to school.

So yesterday I went and had the ultrasound of my ankle done and yeah I have torn my Achilles tendon not a complete tear around 80-90%, now I have to wait for my GP to get the report and asks to see me to tell me what next.

So being Tuesday that means it is indestructible creatures day and this week it is the “Seed Shrimp” heard of it, nope, you are not alone.

These very tiny creatures are about the size of a pinhead, now that is tiny..................

They are tiny little crustaceans that are related to crabs and lobsters and live in water near the, bottom or as part of a plankton which is a mass of tiny living things that float around in the water and are usually eaten by other animals, but not humans.

To help them stay safe each Seed Shrimp lives inside its own little shell, which it can clamp tight shut, making it look just like a seed. In their shell they are often able to pass safely through the body of whatever has eaten it such as a frog, then they carry on with whatever they were doing.

Seed Shrimps have very tough eggs, one species lives in ponds that often dry up, its eggs can survive sitting on the dry ground for weeks and then they can hatch when the water returns.

In tests they have survived being frozen, blasted with radiation and deprived of oxygen, that's bloody tough.


  1. First thought- wow, she finally found one Mr Reads-The-Encyclopedia didn't know...

    Second thought: Tearing that tendon is not a good thing. Please obey the Doc and let it heal.

    Third thought- passing through a digestive system, going out the other end, and "going about your business..." Can you imagine if we could teach one to work a film camera while doing that? I WOULD go to the theatre for that...

    1. Well I am glad I found something you didn't know, I am trying to rest the ankle as much as possible and I am wearing an ankle guard.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne ... good luck with the Achilles - just a nuisance ... so take care and let's hope you get the easy route. I do love shrimp ... not too sure about this one! Cheers Hilary

    1. Something that small would be hard to enjoy, I am trying to rest the ankle

  3. Well now that's a bit of problem that achilles, guess you will be bogged down having to rest it.

  4. Holy Smokes! They are durable aren't they? Sorry to hear about your Achilles tendon. yikes!

  5. Never heard of Seed Shrimp. Hope your doctor has a good plan to get you healed soon.

    1. Nope never heard of it either, we will see what the doc has to say when I get in to see him

  6. WOW! I learn so much here! Hope you feel better soon
    Blessings, Joanne

  7. Here's hoping you're able to get that ankle feeling better soon.

    Super fascinating stuff. Still trying to decide if that something I want to know about or not.


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