Thursday, 10 May 2018

Photo Thursday

This Thursday has been a busy day for me I did not want to get up when my alarm went off this morning but get up I did and after taking Leo to school I went and picked up his mum and the two of us went and did some Mother's Day shopping.

Leo had me get something for his mum for Mother's Day, it had to NOT PINK and something that just said Jessica, I got her a long (in length) light weight winter cardigan black in colour and it met with his approval.

The day started out cool and ended up warm, by the time I got home I had enough time to eat lunch have a nap and go get Leo from school again.

We are now home and I will soon go have a bath.

Thursday is now photo day and here is this weeks photo.......................


  1. Sounds great! Wonderful time:)

  2. It's nice that Leo will have a gift for his mum.


  3. Cute photo.
    Have a lovely Mother's Day Jo-Anne..

  4. Happy Mother's Day my friend. It is fun to know what the children pick put for their mom's.

  5. Happy Mother’s Day JoAnn. Do y’all celebrate Mother’s Day there?

  6. Cute photo! Hope you guys had a good Mother's day.


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