Monday, 28 May 2018

Did you know No:17

Hello Monday and world it is another nice day here in Newie, not too hot nor too cold, went to my aqua class now I am home for a while till the time comes to go get Leo from school. Anyway Monday means it is did you know day, so here are this weeks facts.

When inventor James Hetherington first wore his new invention, the top hat in London in 1797, it caused quite a stir, so much that he was immediately arrested and thrown in jail because he appeared on the public highway wearing upon his head a tall structure of shining lustre and calculated to disturb timid people.

In the 15th century a man was given the title “official uncorker of bottles” by Queen Elizabeth1. A law was passed that stated all bottles found washed up on beaches had to be opened by this man and no one else, in case they contained sensitive military messages. The penalty for anone else opening a bottle was death.

Crocodiles are completely colour blind, how do people know that

A cat has 32 muscles in each ear

Forest fires move faster uphill than downhill


  1. Certainly didn't know about the top hat - sounds rather funny that he was jailed for wearing it..
    Didn't know about the other 3 things, have learnt something today..

  2. Well, you hold cards in front of the croc's face and see if he responds... God help you if he does...

  3. I'm timid. A top hat would certainly disturb me.


    1. I wonder how many people were afraid of the top hat

  4. I probably would have frightened me :)


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