Monday, 21 May 2018

Did you know No:16

Well I hope everyone is having or had a good weekend as I can say I did. This morning I went to my aqua aerobics and then to the shops to get another packet of Golden Crumpets has to be Golden Crumpets no other brand are as nice, just saying.

Anyway here is this weeks did you know facts.

During WW11 it cost the Allies about £150,000 to kill each enemy soldier

Around 75% of people who play the radio or other music in the car sing along to the music.

A stack of £1 notes stacked one mile high would be worth about £14 million

All the people on earth weigh about 420 million tons

There are around 25,000 people in the world age at least 100 years old


  1. Those crumpets look like our English Bagels....

    1. I wondered if other countries have the same food

  2. Hi Jo-Anne .. interesting factoids and did you know things ... there are now lots of people over 100 ... my great grandmother on my father's side lived to be over 100 - she died in 1953 ...cheers Hilary

    1. I would like to live to be 100 but only if I was still with it and had control over my bodily functions

  3. Interesting facts Jo-Anne..
    Love crumpets and like you like the Golden ones.

  4. I was just reading about the Russian lady who's supposed to be like 129. She said, "I've never known a happy day." I don't know how some of the world's people cope. I truly believe the reason God put me in the USA is that I'd have never survived most other places or times...

    1. I don't get people who say they are never happy, I am usually happy and I am lucky to live in one of the best countries there is


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