Tuesday, 5 September 2017

The Pain, Oh The Pain...........................

Hello Monday, Hello Bloggers, damn Leo is doing my head in this morning because we have both Blain & Leo here and that means they are fighting and mostly it is Leo who is acting up and starting things.

Started to write this yesterday morning and forgot about it so here I am on Tuesday morning, this morning I didn't get up till 6.30am due to the pain in my legs/knees. Even though I slept in I did manage to do 31 minutes of exercise before the pain got too bad in my knees and Leo wanted my attention.

As I mentioned yesterday I did my first aqua class and yesterday afternoon I had a great deal of leg pain, now I have pain in my knees and thighs 24/7 but the level of pain yesterday afternoon was so high that I could barely move my leg.

Those who stalk me on Facebook will know that yesterday afternoon when I was getting changed in to my jammies Leo was amazing, running in to help me when he heard me crying in pain, I was unable to lift my leg to get my pants on and he did it for me. He then made sure I sat in my armchair with my legs up and had everything I might need so I wouldn't have to get up.

I had a bad nights sleep due to the pain in my knees and this morning when I got back from taking Leo to school it was so difficult to lift my leg due to pain in my knees and thighs and Tim wants me to go to the doctor and see what he has to say about the pain. He thinks I will need my knees replaced but I do not think they will think I am bad enough for a replacement but we will see. It is terrible not being able to lift my right leg due to pain and the left leg isn't much better.


  1. I know a lot of people will say "no pain, no gain" or "push thru the pain." In my opinion, that's not the truth for everyone. I'm a firm believer in "easy does it." But, I'm not a dr. and I don't play one on tv so maybe that's where you words of wisdom should come from. In the meantime I hope you get to feeling better. I know those pains you speak of they are killer. Don't over do it. :)

    1. I feel the pain may have been caused by the aqua workout and hope over the next few weeks my body will become more used to it. Although the knee pain is I believe due to arthritis, I am seeing the GP on Thursday about my knees

  2. i am wondering if the hour or so of exercise you do each morning is making your pain worse. usually exercise helps and you improve but you don't seem to be doing that. exercising in water as you know takes the pressure off of your joints and is a much better option. just a thought

    1. Yes I have said that I thought any pain caused by the exercises would have eased by now but hasn't happened, I do have arthritis in both knees which doesn't help

  3. Yes--you should go in and talk to a doctor and have them check you out!

  4. The Aqua exercises will get better. I was aching all over, and just plain wiped out, for a couple of weeks till my body started getting used to it. Meanwhile, it's okay to not do it as hard - allow your body to recoup.

  5. I'm glad you're going to see your doctor. If you don't receive a satisfactory answer, then please ask for a specialist. You shouldn't have to live with this pain.


  6. This is all heartbreaking news. You need some relief from this pain, this is no way to live.

  7. It could be due to the aqua exercise because you are doing it for the first time and the exercise could have over strained your muscles. I hope you are feeling much better now.

  8. OH Jo-ANNE. What an awful state to have to be in. God bless you.

  9. Hi Jo- Anne :) I hope your pain be less as the days go by. So nice of Leo to be helping you.

  10. I am so sorry to see that you are having all those issues with your knees and legs. I agree with Tim that a doctor needs to check you out. My brother had both of his knees replaced last year and has no pain any more. He never got to the point he couldn't move his legs prior to the replacements, but he did struggle with pain.

    I hope your doctor can find a resolution for you.


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