Saturday, 23 September 2017

Random Thoughts No: 6

Well it is Monday and I am starting another week of random thoughts...............................

298 emails to sort through to my hotmail email account, this is what happens when I don't check them between Friday and Monday...................

Only 26 emails in my gmail account.................

Waking up tired and not having any motivation to do anything.............

Still dragging my tired body to the aqua class...............................

Leo's school yearly show, they do one a year like many schools, but it is a long day/night for the kids and this nanna as well.................

Barely able to drag my body out of bed the next day but I did and of course I will go to my aqua class again but didn't do other exercisers due to feeling more asleep then awake this morning but Leo was up so I got up............

Monday I was in so much pain I could barely move, Tuesday I get injection into the knee, Wednesday I have hardly any pain at all......................

Damn some people piss me off, complaining about things I have no control over.....................

Car insurance payments being reduce, that is a good thing, I guess.............................

Friday saw me in pain again with my leg/knee and feeling unwell around 5pm, so unwell I went to bed early at 5.30pm, Saturday (today) I am feeling much better and the pain in my leg is only so so.


  1. I wish there were some way for you to not be in pain most days. I hate hearing about how difficult moving is for you.

    1. Me too, but at least I am not in as much pain as my mum

  2. I'm so sorry that your knee is troubling you. My husband has a bad knee as well, and sometimes the pain is agonizing, while other days it just hurts so-so. He really needs knee replacement surgery but refuses to go to the doctor.

    1. My GP said that the arthritis isn't bad enough for surgery and that some people just feel the pain more then others, yeah whatever it hurts like hell

  3. Sure hope that pain goes away for you and soon. No fun to be hurting. Take care.

  4. Well done for dragging yourself to aqua class keep it up.

  5. I hate that it is so difficult for you as well. You are a strong woman to get through all of this.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....