Wednesday, 13 September 2017

I am not quite

This morning I woke up at 5.55am and thought what the hell, I have no memory of the alarm going off at 4.30am but it must have. I didn't do an exercises this morning just didn't feel like it.

I don't feel sick but I also don't feel great just not really right and yes I know many may think that I am never quite right, I get that, it is kinda hard to explain how I am feeling just not 100% me.

Going to be another very warm to hot day here in Newie with temp of 30°c again and no we are not in Summer yet that is still a few months away for us Aussies. Just went and cleaned the filters in two of the air cons before turning the one in the kitchen on, couldn’t clean the filter in the one in Tim's office as I couldn't figure out how to get it out, so will have to ask Tim about it when he gets home.

Had an Xray of my right knee this morning, Kathy-Lee came with me and helped me get on and off the table and move my leg, she also help lift my leg into the house when we got home. 


  1. When will you hear what they found on the xray?

    1. Hopefully tomorrow or Monday, I know that I have arthritis but the Xray should show how bad

  2. So sorry you're not quite right. I know how that feels but it's just not something you can explain. Hope you feel up to par soon!

    1. Thankfully today I am feeling more like I should, being not quite right sucks

  3. It's been too long since you've been quite right. Praying for that day to come soon.

    1. There are times I wonder if I will ever feel 100% just like me again, today is a better day

  4. Me too I hate not being able to move my leg without a lot of pain

  5. Hoping you will start to feel better soon :)

  6. I hope you're feeling better soon and fingers crossed on the results of the X-ray!


  7. Pain is not good. I know that feeling, when you are not sick, but something is not right. Usually, I get that way, when I am fighting a virus. Take a nap. That always works for me.

  8. You have the worst luck Jo-Anne. But when I have felt not right...sick rather but not really..just not was a spike in my blood pressure. Only when it got worse did I finally get a clue and take the reading. It was puzzling when it happened those few times as I take BP meds each day. I get "lucky" like never now when something going to come and get you. :-)

    1. Some days it feel like it isn't one thing its another and my body is falling apart but life is good and I wake up each day and get moving

  9. I didn't feel 100 percent after the hurricane. Everything was turned upside down. I'm starting to catch up. I hope you feel better.


    1. At least I get up each day and do what I can day in and day out

  10. My knees deal me fits too. I'll probably break down and have them cut on after the first of the year. I'm not looking forward to it.

  11. We just started Fall today and it's going to be in the upper 80s this week!!! Very unseasonable for us. I've turned my alarm off several times & fallen back to sleep! I've got a lot of "not right" things going on right now. I hope that you feel better soon. :)


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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