Monday, 18 September 2017

Did you know Monday

Well here I am on Monday afternoon doing a quick post a did you know post..................................

As a promotional stunt at a baseball game in 1939, catcher Joe Sprinz tried to catch a baseball dropped from 1,200 feet in the air. He said he could see the ball all the way down, but somehow instead of catching it in his glove,it him in the face, cracking his jaw in 12 places.

Why do cats turn around and around before lying down, some say its an instinct left over from the days when they slept in tall grass, the turning action pushed the grass down into a nest.

When a gas pipeline crossing the California desert springs a leak the gas companies have an ingenious way of finding out where it is. A chemical is put into the gas that arouses the mating instinct in vultures. The birds congregate around the area so look for the vultures and you find the leak.

Fishing is the biggest participant sport in the world


  1. I knew two and four, but the others were new to me. :)

    1. I had heard about number four as well but not the others

  2. That's really interesting about fishing! I never knew that!
    XO Ellen from Ask Away

  3. I didn't know any of these. I especially like the one about vultures, although they are such ugly creatures.


  4. I'd probably crack my jaw just trying to catch an underhanded throw. I am NOT good at baseball.

    Also, my dog does those circles... is he secretly a cat?

    1. Shoot, mine wakes up at 2AM and wants under the covers... I don't have a good answer for what that makes HIM...

    2. My dog DC DC would do that as well, I struggle to catch a ball any ball

  5. I knew something bad was coming about the baseball. OUCH! Hope you are feeling better!

  6. You had me stumped this week, I did not know even one of those facts.

  7. I did not know any of these things. Fascinating!

  8. Wow! Those truly are 3 things I didn't know before!!!


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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