Thursday, 29 December 2016

Test Post

Good morning all this is my first post using my new tablet it has taken me just over an hour to get it set up I will do a better post later this is mostly a test post.

It is another stinking hot day here turned the air con on at around 8am. Tim thought it was a bit early to turn it on till he walked outside.

I am pleased with the tablet I don't think it will take long to get used to it.
OK that is all for this test post.


  1. I don't have a tablet but thinking of getting one in the near future. I am still using my pc. Looks like your days are much, much hotter than ours. We are now enjoying the rainy season while it lasts.

    1. I wanted a tablet for when we go away on holidays like on the cruise instead of having to take the laptop with me

  2. I got a new iPad a few days ago. I love it, but they cant do all a pc can do. Almost though

    1. Yes they are good, and should do what I want while I am on holidays

  3. The tablet comes in handy. It rained here last night and it's now 10 celcius. Feels nice.

    1. Yes will be easier to take when going on holidays


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....