Monday, 26 December 2016

My Christmas with blurry photos

Merry Christmas to all having Christmas today, here it is Boxing Day as usual I have been up since 5.30am and soon will have to wake Tim he is working again today and tomorrow but is off on Wednesday.

I had a pretty good Christmas yesterday, I was up at 5.30am and Leo woke up at 6.30 and we watched him open his presents, he gets super excited over every presents and then we gave Jess her present and I gave Tim his and he gave me mine this is what he gave me a bracelet and a matching necklace and earring set.

The after he had left for work, Jess went and got us Macca's for breakfast and I had just finished breakfast when mum rang and wanted to know how soon I could be there as she was in pain and needed help so Jess drove me to mum's, thankfully we had already packed the car so I was able to leave straight away.

At my parents place my sister Sandra was there she went to help mum before going to her FIL place for brunch then we exchange gifts and I did well mum gave me a $100 gift card for Harvey Norman (large electrical store) and dad gave me another $100 gift card for Harvey Norman and Sandra gave me a $25 gift card for Coles/Myer group so I did well also got the train in the photo from my parents and the bottle of Baileys.

Later my brother and SIL turned up and they gave me the bottle of wine and the Michael Kors bag and my sister Jeannie gave me a gift voucher for a massage which I love. So I did well.

Both my parents were not well yesterday, in fact dad didn't get up till midday and we ate at 1pm after all Jeannie's family had left and then around 2ish after I had packed the dishwasher and put it on for mum we left and my brother drove me home and then after everyone had gone home both mum and dad went back to bed for a couple of hours.

Today is Boxing Day and for the second year in a row the two large local shopping centres are open for trading and you know where I will not be going today the shopping centre I have no problem not going shopping I don't feel the need to go to the shops every single day. I really don't know why all the shopping centres need to be open.

Of course the Sydney to Hobart yacht race starts, not that I am interested in that either but thought I would mention it.

Yesterday was a hot day, and today is going to be another hot day, hell the rest of the week is going to be hot. I plan to do nothing for the rest of the day.


  1. Sorry to hear your parents are not well Jo-Anne.
    It seems you had a very good Christmas.

    1. Thank you most of their problems are due to being without some medication, they are waiting on the script to arrive and can't get the stuff to it does.

  2. We hope your Christmas was wonderful! We love your bracelet set :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  3. The jewelry is beautiful. I hope you can cool off inside. Do you have air conditioning or one of those evaporated coolers?

    It was cold here - snow on all the mountains and ice on the roads.

    1. Yes we have air conditioning many years ago we had evaporated cooler but not any more now we have air con which is much better

  4. Lots of great gifts and time with family. That's all one can ask for. :)

  5. A wonderful exchange of great gifts and wonderful Christmas. We have rainy days here but we also get some sunshine.

  6. Wow! Just reading your post made me want to take a nap :) The massage should be nice. I got my wife Jilda a certificate for a pedicure and she was happy too.

    1. Yeah I am looking forward to having a massage maybe next week a pedicure would also be nice

  7. I'm sorry your parents weren't feeling well but glad they did get to celebrate with everyone for a bit. The weather here hasn't been wintry at all. I feel like it wasn't Christmas. We do have a cool down coming and our big celebrations will begin on Wednesday morning and run through the New Year since everyone arrives tomorrow! So glad y'all had a lovely Christmas!

    1. Yeah we were all happy that dad managed to get up and have lunch with the family and open his presents, all in all it was a good day

  8. Thank Bob I wasn't the only one who couldn't take a sharp picture this year, lol

    1. Yeah I don't know why my photos all turned out crap


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