Wednesday, 14 December 2016


Blood hell its hot, another day with temps in the high 30's or low 40's, last night was a stinking hot night as well but thankfully we have an air conditioner in the bedroom and it went all night. Leo has gone swimming to day for the schools end of year reward for his year at school, so has Blain but to different pools.

Now even though it is stinking bloody hot Leo insisted on wearing long pants he doesn't like shorts this year, at least I make sure the pants are light weight so he doesn't get too hot in them, although he says he doesn't get hot. I packed board shorts for him to wear in the pool and I hope he has a good day.

Blain is suppose to be walking from his school to the pool, it is a bloody long walk and so bloody hot I hope he is ok as he does suffer from heat stroke.

I have been up since just after 5.30am again and got all Natasha's washing done and dried and folded except for her work rags they are still on the line all this was done before I took Leo to school.

When I got into the car to take him to school it was 28°c outside on the way home it was 31°c not sure what it is now but I am pretty sure it is hotter still.

Saw the doctor yesterday about my back pain she wants me to have another CT scan done of my lower back and prescribed Panadine Forte for the pain, what the hell I need something stronger than Panadine Forte for those who don't know what Panadine Forte is it's paracetamol and codeine strong pain relief just not strong enough in my opinion.

I cannot stand for more then a few minutes without pain, hanging washing on the line to dry is agony as is standing or even sitting to wrap presents and how the hell I am going to cope on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day cooking is beyond me but I will because that is how I roll. I cannot walk unaided more then a few feet which is why when I go shopping the first thing I do after I park the car is find a shopping trolley for support.

Well I have rambled on about the heat and my back pain for long enough I will now post this and then finish writing my Christmas cards and this afternoon I want to finish wrapping gifts. So much work for one day but you know what I love it.


  1. I forget that your seasons are opposite of ours. It's finally cooled off here.
    Our air conditioner usually runs from May until October. We have to knock off gas stations to pay our power bill in August.

    1. Yeah the cost of the power bill is beyond a joke but something we just have to suck up and deal with or find another way of coping with the heat our air con goes all day and half the night if not all night

  2. Not that hot down here Jo-Anne, but just nice - the sun burns the skin if not careful.
    40 deg C is far too hot with humidity but when you live up north it's expected in summer.
    Hope your back improves - and you can sit in the kitchen and cook, my mum used to do that when she had to, it worked out for her though I must admit it looked odd, but then I also helped her until she couldn't do it anymore then my parents when alive came to dine at our house for Christmas dinner...miss them now they are gone.

    1. I can't imagine sitting to cook, maybe if i had a good size stool I would give it a try, Jes and I wrapped presents and now my back is aching something terrible. I can't imagine not going to my parents place for Christmas lunch but one day it will happen

  3. Well, it is bloody cold here-LOL! 6 degrees F or -14 degrees C.
    Gosh, I hope you start feeling better or get some kind of relief. Sorry to hear that.

    1. Yes that is bloody cold, hope you are nice and warm inside

  4. I'm so sorry you're still in so much pain. I really hope the doctor comes up with a better plan than using the same medicine that doesn't seem to be helping.

    1. Me too, I will cope somehow because not coping isn't an option

  5. I'm sorry about the pain and the heat. Hot weather makes everything hurt more.



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