Thursday, 29 December 2016

It is another stinking hot day here, just saying

Well here I am on this stinking hot Thursday afternoon, writing some kind of blog post, I am not going to have a nap today as the last few days I would wake up with a headache after my nap so I will give it a miss and see how that goes.

My armchair/recliner had pretty much died, a few weeks back the foot rest stopped closing so I just left it up. Well today like an hour ago the foot rest on one side broke so it doesn't want to move which makes it difficult to get out of the chair. Of course being short and fat doesn't help, Tim said he will have a look at the chair soonish. We have had the lounge suite for 15 years at least so it has had a lot of use.

I did my grocery shopping online again this week and again Kathy-Lee will pick it up from the Coles near her home and bring it here and unpack it for me.

Jessica and Leo have been here most of the day, Tim and Jessica went and bought an air con for her house but Tim wasn't able to fit it today he needs something I don't know what but something so I guess he will try and do it tomorrow morning.

Jessica is going to give me a keyboard I can use with the new tablet although I might have one in the linen press I should have a look and see. It would make it a lot easier for me to write on the tablet if I can hook one up to it.

You know what I have been doing yesterday and today, downloading music to a flash drive to use in the car, I figured out how to do it on my own, Jessica was going to do it but she was taking so long that I asked for the flash drive back and decided to give it a try myself and I have done it, I am pleased with myself and yeah I know not a big deal but I know bugga all about computers and downloading stuff.

Sandra found her Christmas gift from me she asked her daughter Temika who will be 7 in just over a week, and she knew where it was, so Sandy was happy.

I should have a better post in the next day or so


  1. A warm day down here too with the humidity and dew point combined the temp was only 28 today with no sun out.
    We transfer music to our USB for the car, it's good.

    1. Still bloody hot with temps in the 30's far too hot

  2. I'm embarrassed to say I have never had a flash drive and would not be sure at all how to use it When the sons are here...that's when things get done if I need them. Happy New Year to come Jo-Anne.

    1. I can't imagine life without them, a few months back I transferred a lot of photos onto a flash drive

  3. I too stored my music in flash drive for the car. Very handy! Hope you will get cooler days ahead!

    1. I am hoping for cooler days at some point like maybe Monday

  4. I never knew you could plug a keyboard into a tablet. Prolly because I don't have one. Have to ask Laurie if she knew for her tablet.

    1. You use an adapter into the charger point to connect the keyboard

  5. Sounds like things are nice and low-key around there for the moment. I know what you mean about hot. I am already dreading summer and it's still December. But it's been too warm for winter around here. Upper 70s. I do NOT like it. Hopefully it will get cold this weekend like the weather people predicted. Fingers crossed.

    1. Yeah still hot, still feel like I could melt but all is good I am still in one piece and have not turned into a puddle of mush

  6. We would love a warm day! We have cold and rain today :(
    Being able to download music sounds wonderful!

    the critters in the cottage xo


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....