Saturday 31 December 2016

Goodbye 2016 History of New Year's Eve Pt 1

Well here we are at the end of 2016, it is New Year's Eve here, anyone wondering what I will be doing to see in the New Year. I will be sleeping, my days of staying up to see in the New Year are long gone, now I just go to bed at my usual time and wake up to a New Year. Boring I know but what the hell I am pretty boring most of the time.

Now depending on what site you visit you will either be told that New Year's Eve celebrations are a relative new thing or been around for yongs. As in for the last four millennia, others say it is has been around since 2000 BC which is four millennia isn't it, I think it is.

Anyway the earliest recording of a new year celebrations is believed to have been in Mesopotamia around 2000BC and was celebrated around the time of the Vernal Equinox which is in mid March. There are a variety of other dates tied to the seasons which were also used by different ancient cultures, the Egyptians and Persians new year was with the fall equinox and the Greeks celebrated it with the winter solstice.

The early Roman calendar had March as the first month of the year and the calendar had just ten months. In order to realign the Roman calendar with the sun, Julius Caesar had to add 90 extra days to the year 46BC, when he introduced his new Julian calendar. The Julian calendar closely resembles the Gregorian calendar that most countries now use.

It was also Caesar that created 1st January as the first day of the year, partly to honour the month's namesake, Janus, the Roman God of beginnings whose two faces allowed him to look back into the past and forward to the future.

The Romans would celebrate by offering sacrifices to Janus, exchanging gifts with each other and decorating their homes w ith laurel branches and attending wild parties.

In medieval Europe, Christian leaders replaced the 1st January as the start of the new year with more religious days such as the 25th December and the 25th March which is the feast of the Annunciation but Pope Gregory X111 re-established the 1st January as New Year's Day in 1582.

Today of course most New Year celebrations begin on 31st December which is the last day of the Gregorian calendar and continue through to the wee hours of the 1st January (New Years Day). Celebrations include having parties, making resolutions which no one keep and watching fireworks and some people eat special food.

Speaking of enjoying special food and food thought to bestow good luck in the coming year I will now tell you a little about such foods because you really want to know, don't you.

In Spain and some other Spanish-speaking counties people will down a dozen grapes, symbolising their hopes for the months ahead-right before midnight.

In other countries dishes containing legumes which are thought to resemble coins which will bring financial success are eaten such as lentils in Italy and black-eyed peas in the southern states of America. Then there are pigs, yes pigs in some cultures pigs represent progress and prosperity so pork is eaten in countries such as Cuba, Austria, Hungary and Portugal.

Ring-shaped cakes and pastries are a sign the year has come full circle these are found in the Netherlands, Mexico and Greece as well as other countries. Sweden and Norway enjoy rice pudding with an almond hidden inside and it is said that whoever finds the but can expect 12 months of good fortune.

Many countries and customs around the world include watching fireworks and singing “Auld Lang Syne” well in English-speaking countries we sing “Auld Lang Syne”.

Of course many make resolutions, things they want to change or do differently in the New Yea and some even follow through on those resolutions but most don't. The practice of making resolutions for the new year is thought to date back to the Babylonians, who made promises in order to earn favour with the gods and start the year on the right foot.

Most of you will know that in the United States the most iconic New Year's tradition is the dropping of a giant ball in New York City's Times Square at the stroke of midnight. This even is watched by millions around the world and has taken place since 1907. Over time the ball itself has became bigger it was at first a 700 pound iron-and-wood ball it is now a 12,000 pound ball. Many other towns and cities across the States have developed their own versions of the Times Square ritual but not always dropping balls but things like pickles and possums at midnight on New Year's Eve.

Now I am sure many of you are thinking but what happens in Australia Jo-Anne, you're and Aussie tell us about your countries New Year's Eve celebrations. Ok so I will.
Here in Australia many people will camp out from early on the 30th to get a good spot to see the fireworks in Sydney although this year I saw on the news that some of the spots were cornered off till this morning because of terrorist. We don't want the crazy people with bombs getting the good camping spots.

Of course in Sydney the fireworks are a big thing and many people will choose to stay home and watch them on telly instead.

Also many towns have 9 or 9.30pm fireworks so the little ones get to see them before they fall asleep, many years ago the town I lived in did fireworks at 9 and midnight and I could watch them from my back yard but not any more the cheapskates decided it cost too much and stopped them, bastards.

While researching this I read that we have a week of celebrations from the 1st to the 6th, well I can tell you that is news to me, I know no one who has a week of celebrations, just saying.

We don't eat special foods, we do drink a lot of grog and eat a lot of chips and dips or pizza many like pizza on New Year's Eve but hot chips are common.

I am sorry this has turned into a long ass post, I get caught up with the history and such and it ends up being long as. I have decided to split it in two and will do a bit more tomorrow, not much more but a bit more. 

Friday 30 December 2016

Five things Friday last one for the year

Well been a while but here I am doing five things Friday the last one for the year, can you guess what this weeks theme is.



Plum Pudding

Mince Pies


Thursday 29 December 2016

It is another stinking hot day here, just saying

Well here I am on this stinking hot Thursday afternoon, writing some kind of blog post, I am not going to have a nap today as the last few days I would wake up with a headache after my nap so I will give it a miss and see how that goes.

My armchair/recliner had pretty much died, a few weeks back the foot rest stopped closing so I just left it up. Well today like an hour ago the foot rest on one side broke so it doesn't want to move which makes it difficult to get out of the chair. Of course being short and fat doesn't help, Tim said he will have a look at the chair soonish. We have had the lounge suite for 15 years at least so it has had a lot of use.

I did my grocery shopping online again this week and again Kathy-Lee will pick it up from the Coles near her home and bring it here and unpack it for me.

Jessica and Leo have been here most of the day, Tim and Jessica went and bought an air con for her house but Tim wasn't able to fit it today he needs something I don't know what but something so I guess he will try and do it tomorrow morning.

Jessica is going to give me a keyboard I can use with the new tablet although I might have one in the linen press I should have a look and see. It would make it a lot easier for me to write on the tablet if I can hook one up to it.

You know what I have been doing yesterday and today, downloading music to a flash drive to use in the car, I figured out how to do it on my own, Jessica was going to do it but she was taking so long that I asked for the flash drive back and decided to give it a try myself and I have done it, I am pleased with myself and yeah I know not a big deal but I know bugga all about computers and downloading stuff.

Sandra found her Christmas gift from me she asked her daughter Temika who will be 7 in just over a week, and she knew where it was, so Sandy was happy.

I should have a better post in the next day or so

Test Post

Good morning all this is my first post using my new tablet it has taken me just over an hour to get it set up I will do a better post later this is mostly a test post.

It is another stinking hot day here turned the air con on at around 8am. Tim thought it was a bit early to turn it on till he walked outside.

I am pleased with the tablet I don't think it will take long to get used to it.
OK that is all for this test post.

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Good Afternoon, it's hot enough to fry and egg or melt ones brain

Good afternoon all, what a hot day we have had here, stinking bloody hot it is at the moment 3.50pm and the temp is 33°c or 91.4°f just had to drive down to the shop and the temp outside according to the thermometer in the car was 44°c or 111.2°f.

This morning Tim and I went to Harvey Norman ( a large electrical store) and I bought myself a tablet with one of the gift cards mum & dad gave me for Christmas now I just have to play with it a bit once it is fully charged.

I had a nap again today and again I woke up with a headache this is the third day in a row I have had a nap and the third day in a row that I have woken up with a headache, what the hell is with that.

Tim is off work for the next three days including today but he is working NYE and New Year Day Jessica told me she will be working NYE too so I will have Leo that night. Natasha called in to drop of her washing which I will do, but not to tomorrow morning as it is too hot at the moment to be outside hanging washing on the line.

Jessica has been here since around 1ish as it is too hot at her place, Tim is going to go with her tomorrow to buy an air conditioner and he is going to install it for her, she is getting a window unit. She is now heading home as she said it has cooled down a tad and she wants to open her house up in order for it cool down.

This morning when I was at mums my sister Sandra asked if I had any idea what happened to her Christmas present from me as she can't find it and has been wanting to wear the shirt I gave her. Dad was complaining that he was cold this morning and wanted the air conditioner turned down which annoyed mum as it was just going to get hotter not colder during the day.

Well that is all I have today I think my brain has decided that thinking is to painful and doesn't like me trying to get it to work.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Peppa Pig from Kathy-Lee

This post was written by my oldest daughter Kathy-Lee a while back and I found it in my unposted blog folder and while on holiday at Port Macquarie so got it ready to post and today I am doing just that.

As a parent of 2 young children I tend to hear a lot of other parents opinions on TV shows and which ones are allowed. I also hear about the shows they hate or can’t stand. I’ve had a few people tell me they can’t stand Dora the Explorer, Go Diego, Go, In the Night Garden and one I’m sure was written by drunk people…….Teletubbies. However, the one that springs to mind the most is Peppa Pig.

Peppa Pig lives in a small community where everyone knows everyone. She has a mum, a dad and a little brother and her best friend is a rabbit. There’s a grown rabbit doing a different job in each episode, her sister rabbit popping out baby rabbits, a rhino working with heavy machinery, a clumsy daddy pig; the list goes on. There’s always the joke of telling children that the bacon they’re eating came from a pig, most likely a relative of Peppa Pig.

I mean honestly, does Peppa Pig have any educational value or is it just one of those mindless shows that someone thought up to give children a bit of mindless enjoyment?
As a mother to 2 young children and someone who has spent a bit of time studying early childhood education; I can honestly say Peppa Pig has to be one of the best children’s shows I have ever seen. I watch this show and I link this little pigs’ development against something called the Early Years Learning Framework and the 5 outcomes identified in this interesting document. I can also honestly admit I have a lot of spare time on my hands while I wait to begin my bachelors in education (early childhood).

I have found this show to also give me handy little ideas on how I can entertain my children on cold and wet days. Until I watched this show I had never heard of thing called the rainy day game. Can you believe that there are actually parents out there are willing to put aside their phones and computers just so they can positively interact with their children?

Especially on a rainy day when all you want to do is sit and watch TV, game or sleep.
After watching the show for a few weeks I thought it was interesting to see no meats to be consumed by these characters, but a lot of fruit and vegetables are eaten. I have come to the conclusion that maybe there is some subliminal messaging in this part. Try your fruits and vegetables. They can be eaten in many different ways; soups, smoothies, baked, fried. George doesn’t like his vegetables, but grandpa pig gets creative and turns his meal into a dinosaur. This doesn’t work for my children, but it might for some. I have to grate each vegetable into practically a powder before it can be eaten.

Have you noticed that even Peppa Pig has a night time routine?

They have a bath, clean their teeth, have a bed time story then go to sleep at exactly 7pm every night. Allowing your child to have a simple routine like this gives them some peace of mind. They know what’s going to happen and in most cases will work with you instead of against you. It’s flexible and allows the child to know what’s going to happen next, such as when they can get some rest.

When it comes time to say goodbye, the parents don’t dawdle. The parent will talk to the person who will be caring for the child in a positive or happy tone then let the child know they are going. There’s none of this sneaking out while the child isn’t looking and causing some form anxiety in the child. It’s a straight forward “see you later”. My eldest daughter does not like it when I leave her at school. She will cling to me for what I feel is her life and then cry as I manage to loosen her grip and attach her to her teachers. I’ve read everything I could find on how to manage this situation
I’ve reassured my child that it’s ok to be anxious or nervous. I’ve told her who will be there at the end of each day. I spent as much time as I could with her so she had that one on one time with me. I got to know her teachers and her classroom. I even know all of her friends. But a few weeks I decided that I’d had enough. Now some may think of this as a little mean, but I took a page out of mummy and daddy pigs book. I now go into the school with her, place her bag in the right spot, talk to her teacher for like a second then say “see you at 3” and walk away. After a week I discovered this technique to bloody work. Those tears are drying up and she no longer clings.

One of the nicest things about this show is how mummy pig can be a working stay at home mum who volunteers at the fire station with the other mummies. Daddy pig also knows how to cook, clean, do laundry and care for his children without complaint. There’s not just stay at home mums these days, it’s also dads. I like how this show informs children that even dads can do certain house hold chores while caring for his child/ren while mum is at work.
The most important thing for children to see in their home when both parents are together is how much each parent cares for each other.

Monday 26 December 2016

My Christmas with blurry photos

Merry Christmas to all having Christmas today, here it is Boxing Day as usual I have been up since 5.30am and soon will have to wake Tim he is working again today and tomorrow but is off on Wednesday.

I had a pretty good Christmas yesterday, I was up at 5.30am and Leo woke up at 6.30 and we watched him open his presents, he gets super excited over every presents and then we gave Jess her present and I gave Tim his and he gave me mine this is what he gave me a bracelet and a matching necklace and earring set.

The after he had left for work, Jess went and got us Macca's for breakfast and I had just finished breakfast when mum rang and wanted to know how soon I could be there as she was in pain and needed help so Jess drove me to mum's, thankfully we had already packed the car so I was able to leave straight away.

At my parents place my sister Sandra was there she went to help mum before going to her FIL place for brunch then we exchange gifts and I did well mum gave me a $100 gift card for Harvey Norman (large electrical store) and dad gave me another $100 gift card for Harvey Norman and Sandra gave me a $25 gift card for Coles/Myer group so I did well also got the train in the photo from my parents and the bottle of Baileys.

Later my brother and SIL turned up and they gave me the bottle of wine and the Michael Kors bag and my sister Jeannie gave me a gift voucher for a massage which I love. So I did well.

Both my parents were not well yesterday, in fact dad didn't get up till midday and we ate at 1pm after all Jeannie's family had left and then around 2ish after I had packed the dishwasher and put it on for mum we left and my brother drove me home and then after everyone had gone home both mum and dad went back to bed for a couple of hours.

Today is Boxing Day and for the second year in a row the two large local shopping centres are open for trading and you know where I will not be going today the shopping centre I have no problem not going shopping I don't feel the need to go to the shops every single day. I really don't know why all the shopping centres need to be open.

Of course the Sydney to Hobart yacht race starts, not that I am interested in that either but thought I would mention it.

Yesterday was a hot day, and today is going to be another hot day, hell the rest of the week is going to be hot. I plan to do nothing for the rest of the day.

Saturday 24 December 2016

An Aussie Night Before Christmas

While searching for something to write tonight about Christmas I came across this so decided to post this, not sure who wrote it but I do like it
'Twas the night before Christmas; there wasn't a sound.

Not a possum was stirring; no-one was around.

We'd left on the table some tucker and beer,

Hoping that Santa Claus soon would be here;

We children were snuggled up safe in our beds,

While dreams of pavlova danced 'round in our heads;

And Mum in her nightie, and Dad in his shorts,

Had just settled down to watch TV sports.

When outside the house a mad ruckus arose;

Loud squeaking and banging woke us from our doze.

We ran to the screen door, peeked cautiously out,

Snuck onto the deck, then let out a shout.

Guess what had woken us up from our snooze,

But a rusty old Ute pulled by eight mighty 'roos.

The cheerful man driving was giggling with glee,

And we both knew at once who this plump bloke must be.

Now, I'm telling the truth it's all dinki-di,

Those eight kangaroos fairly soared through the sky.

Santa leaned out the window to pull at the reins,

And encouraged the 'roos, by calling their names.

'Now, Kylie! Now, Kirsty! Now, Shazza and Shane!

On Kipper! On, Skipper! On, Bazza and Wayne!

Park up on that water tank. Grab a quick drink,

I'll scoot down the gum tree. Be back in a wink!'

So up to the tank those eight kangaroos flew,

With the Ute full of toys, and Santa Claus too.

He slid down the gum tree and jumped to the ground,

Then in through the window he sprang with a bound.

He had bright sunburned cheeks and a milky white beard.

A jolly old joker was how he appeared.

He wore red stubby shorts and old thongs on his feet,

And a hat of deep crimson as shade from the heat.

His eyes - bright as opals - Oh! How they twinkled!

And, like a goanna, his skin was quite wrinkled!

His shirt was stretched over a round bulging belly

Which shook when he moved, like a plate full of jelly.

A fat stack of pressies he flung from his back,

And he looked like a swaggie unfastening his pack.

He spoke not a word, but bent down on one knee,

To position our goodies beneath the Yule tree.

Surfboard and footy-ball shapes for us two.

And for Dad, tongs to use on the new barbecue.

A mysterious package he left for our Mum,

Then he turned and he winked and he held up his thumb;

He strolled out on deck and his 'roos came on cue;

Flung his sack in the back and prepared to shoot through.

He bellowed out loud as they swooped past the gates-

MERRY CHRISTMAS to all, and Goodonya, MATES!'

Friday 23 December 2016

Another post about Christmas Down Under

Christmas in the southern hemisphere

The heat of early summer in Australia has an impact on the way that Australians celebrate Christmas and on which northern hemisphere Christmas traditions are followed.
In the weeks leading up to Christmas houses are decorated; greetings cards sent out; carols sung; Christmas trees installed in homes, schools and public places; and children delight in anticipating a visit from Santa Claus. On Christmas Day family and friends gather to exchange gifts and enjoy special Christmas food.
Many Australians spend Christmas out of doors, going to the beach for the day, or heading to camping grounds for a longer break over the Christmas holiday period. It has become traditional for international visitors who are in Sydney at Christmas time to go to Bondi Beach where up to 40,000 people visit on Christmas Day.
The tradition of an Australian Christmas Eve carol service lit by candles was started in 1937 by radio announcer Norman Banks. This outdoor service has now been held in Melbourne every year since then.
Carols by Candlelight events today range from huge gatherings, which are televised live throughout the country, to smaller local community and church events. Sydney's Carols in the Domain has become a popular platform for the stars of stage and music.
Some uniquely Australian Christmas carols have become popular and are included alongside the more traditional carols sung at carol services and at Christmas church services: John Wheeler's The Three Drovers is perhaps the best known of these.
Many light-hearted Australian Christmas songs have become an essential part of the Australian Christmas experience. These include Rolf Harris's Six White Boomers, Colin Buchanan's Aussie Jingle Bells and the Australian Twelve Days of Christmas.
There are many native Australian plants in flower over the Christmas season. A number of these have become known as 'Christmas plants' in various parts of the country, including Christmas bells, Christmas bush and the Christmas orchid.
When Europeans first arrived in Australia they were delighted that they could pick wildflowers resembling bells and bright green foliage covered in red or white flowers to use as Christmas decorations. This was a huge contrast to the bare trees and dormant gardens they had left behind in Europe.

Christmas in Australia comes at the beginning of summer and many people no longer serve a traditional hot roast dinner. Cold turkey and ham, seafood and salads are often served instead. It has even become acceptable to serve the traditional Christmas plum pudding with cold custard, ice cream or cream. Pavlova, a meringue base topped with whipped cream and fresh fruit, and various versions of the festive ice-cream pudding have also become popular Christmas desserts. 

Wednesday 21 December 2016

Epiphany, the Feasts of The Three Kings

Epiphany is celebrated 12 days after Christmas on 6th January (or January 19th for some Orthodox Church who have Christmas on 7th January) and is the time when Christians remember the Wise men (also called the three Kings) who visited Jesus.

Epiphany is also when some Churches remember when Jesus was Baptised, when he was about 30, and started to teach people about God. Epiphany means 'revelation' and both the visit of the Wise Men and his Baptism are important times when Jesus was 'revealed' to be very important.

Some Churches celebrate use Epiphany to celebrate and remember both the visit of the Wise Men and Jesus's Baptism!
Epiphany is mainly celebrated by Catholics and Orthodox Christians. It's a big and important festival in Spain, where it's also known as 'The festival of the three Magic Kings' - 'Fiesta de Los tres Reyes Mages', and is when Spanish and some other Catholic children receive their presents - as they are delivered by the Three Kings!

In Spain on Epiphany morning you might go to the local bakers and buy a special cake/pastry called a 'Roscón' (meaning a ring shaped roll). They are normally filled with cream or chocolate and is decorated with a paper crown. These are normally a figure of a king (if you find that you can wear the crown) and a dried bean (if you find that you're meant to pay for the cake!). In Catalonia it's known as a Tortell or Gâteau des Rois and is stuffed with marzipan.
In France you might eat a 'Galette des Rois', a type of flat almond cake. It has a toy crown cooked inside it and is decorated on top with a gold paper crown.
There are similar traditions in Mexico where Epiphany is known as 'El Dia de los Reyes' (the day of The Three Kings). It's traditional to eat a special cake called 'Rosca de Reyes' (Three Kings Cake). A figure of Baby Jesus is hidden inside the cake. Whoever has the baby Jesus in their piece of cake is the 'Godparent' of Jesus for that year.
In Italy, some children also get their presents on Epiphany. But they believe that an old lady called 'Befana' brings them. Children put stockings up by the fireplace for Befana to fill.
In Austria, at Epiphany, some people write a special sign in chalk over their front door. It's a reminder of the Wise Men that visited the baby Jesus. It's made from the year split in two with initials of the names that are sometimes given to 'the three wise men', Caspar, Melchior and Balthazar, in the middle. So 2014 would be: 20*C*M*B*14. The sign is meant to protect the house for the coming year.

At Epiphany in Belgium, children dress up as the three wise men and go door to door singing songs and people give them money or sweets kind of like when children go trick or treating at Halloween.
In Ireland, Epiphany is also called 'Nollaig na mBean' or Women's Christmas. Traditionally the women get the day off and men do the housework and cooking! It is becoming more popular and many Irish women now get together on the Sunday nearest Epiphany and have tea and cakes!

Tuesday 20 December 2016

More About Mum's Health

Hello everyone, the day started warm and ended up bloody hot again, this morning I had Leo for a bit after I took him home I went to get mum and take her to physio well we get to Belmont hospital and I go get a wheelchair so she doesn't have to walk that far. When she was getting into the wheelchair a couple of ladies from the ambo transfer people came and said they would help and one of them pushed mum to the area. I go and check in and find out we are a day early, yeah what the hell we now have to go back tomorrow.

I have Blain tonight as his mum is busy with work from early tomorrow, so I will have him most of tomorrow. However I am taking mum to the cemetery tomorrow morning and then again back to the hospital for physio so going to be a busy day again.

Blain is at his friends place and I don't expect him to be home till around 6.30pm which is ok with me but tomorrow since I will be out for most of the morning he can go to his friends place if he is allowed but if he isn't he will have to go to Jessica's place as he can't stay home alone while I am out since I will be gone for hours.

While I was walking to the physio department my left knee gave out on me and oh the pain, at least I didn't fall over. When I got home I wasn't good, I was shaking and felt sick and had sweat dripping out of me but I turned on the air cons and changed my clothes and made myself a toasted sandwich after which I felt better.

Blain has checked in with me which is good and Kathy and the girls popped in for a visit but Summer was asleep for the whole time they were here.

Now I am writing this dribble and then I am going to have a bath before I chill for the rest of the day, I of course will be in bed early again but that is just how I am now days I go to bed early but I also get up early and I don't usually have the time to have a nap during the day and when I do have the time I usually find that when I lay down my brain will not shut down and I keep thinking of things I want to do, which is so annoying.

On Sunday mum fell over while at home getting cereal for breakfast, she was unable to get up and laid there and cried, dad isn't much help now days and Dawson couldn't manage to help her on his own so mum said she wanted Sandy, at first dad said they didn't need Sandy but then changed his mind and rang her all he had to say was “mum's had a fall” and she replied “I'm on my way” she ran down the hall woke her step-son told him to watch the girls and raced up to mum & dad's and with Dawson's help she managed to get mum up and into a chair.

Since she fell she has had very sore knees and yesterday she went and had an X-Ray and ultrasound of her right hip and they also gave her a cortisone injection into her thigh but said that she may need another one done into the hip as well as she has a lot of arthritis in her hip.

She is still in a lot of pain but has been walking a bit better yesterday afternoon and this morning so fingers crossed the injection does help.

Monday 19 December 2016

Aussie Christmas Stories and the Aboriginal people

Australian children grow up enjoying traditional Christmas stories such as Clement Clarke Moore's Twas the Night Before Christmas and Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, but children's authors and illustrators are beginning to create truly Australian children's Christmas literature. One favourite is Wombat Divine by Mem Fox, while a more recent addition is Aussie Night Before Christmas by Yvonne Morrison. Also very popular are the Santa is coming to..........books by Steve Smallman

The Christmas break is an opportunity for sports fans to enjoy two major sporting events. The 26 December is the opening day of the 'Boxing Day Test' between the Australian Cricket Team and an international touring side at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. This has been well attended since the first match in 1950, and watched by many others on television. In Sydney one of the world's most prestigious ocean races, the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race, starts on Boxing Day from Sydney Harbour.

Of course we can't talk about Christmas in Australia without mentioning the Indigenous people of this great country.

Indigenous Dreamtime stories obviously do not include Christmas. However, this date in the calendar coincides with other seasonal changes. In Arnhem Land, Northern Territory, Yolngu Aboriginal people will observe the last season of their six-season cycle. Gudjewg, the wet season, begins in late December.

Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities include Christian groups within them which celebrate Christmas. The Ntaria Choir at Hermannsburg, via Alice Springs, Northern Territory, has a unique musical language from mixing the traditional vocals of the Ntaria women with Lutheran chorales - the hymn tunes that were the basis of much of J.S. Bach's music.

Baba Waiyar, a popular traditional Torres Strait Islander hymn, is featured on Lexine Solomon's debut album This is Woman (2003) - showing the influence of gospel music mixed with traditionally strong Torres Strait Islander vocals and country music. Significantly, Torres Strait Islanders celebrate the 'Coming of the Light' on 1 July, the day the London Missionary Society landed at Erub Island in 1871.
Modern Indigenous Christmas celebrations are beginning to take on elements of traditional Indigenous culture.

Sunday 18 December 2016

Counting Down To Christmas or Just Sunday Morning at my Place

Well Christmas is in a weeks time, yeah I know some of you are thinking what already, others are thinking it will be glad when its over, some are thinking both things. I am thinking I wish it would last a bit longer then it does, but also will be glad when the day is done with as you all saw on yesterdays posts my dinning room table is covered in presents so no room to sit and eat there which is ok only eat there on the weekend when the girls are here.

The next time will be Christmas Eve when all the girls and Michael will be here for tea, it is a new family tradition that I will have tea here Christmas Eve for the girls and grandchildren as they all have their own families and things they want to do Christmas Day. Kathy-Lee has Michael's family to see on Christmas Day not sure what the other two are doing, they can come to my parents place if they want to but I am not expecting it.

We had Leo here last night and Jess said not to take him home too early she wants a sleep in, I said now school holidays are here she should get a few more sleep ins, she nope, Leo gets up way too early so I said maybe during the holidays I might be able to have him an extra night here and there so she can have a sleep in.

Although no one took my children so I could have a sleep in, ok that is not 100% true there were the odd time when Tim would get up with the girls and let me sleep in a bit but didn't happen very often and there were times he would watch them while I went and had a nap in the afternoon again not often but it did happen.

I don't know why but this morning I have been thinking about how as parents and friends we will at times listen to someone bitch, moan and groan about their partner, spouse, boy/girlfriend this happens from time to time with my girls, siblings or mum. I don't mind listening when they need to vent but what I do that some people do not do is accept that just because someone is venting to me doesn't mean the person they are going on about is a bad person. I will not think badly of the person, it will not change how I feel about them, I do not necessary side with one over the other that is not why I am being bitched to, I will say things like “I understand” or “ I get that” and I usually do get it but just because I understand why you are bitching and venting about what your other half did doesn't mean I will decided the other person is a bad person. That is just me.

Well now Tim is up and in his office and Leo is still asleep on the lounge the house is still quiet as I have not turned the telly on yet, have no need for it on and it will only disturb Leo and I don't want that yet. He will wake up in time. 

Saturday 17 December 2016

Christmas Presents

One of the main reasons we have the custom of giving and receiving presents at Christmas, is to remind us of the presents given to Jesus by the Wise Men: Frankincense, Gold and Myrrh.
  • Frankincense was a perfume used in Jewish worship and, as a gift, it showed that people would worship Jesus.
  • Gold was associated with Kings and Christians believe that Jesus is the King of Kings.
  • Myrrh was a perfume that was put on dead bodies to make them smell nice and, as a gift, it showed that Jesus would suffer and die.
Christmas itself is really about a big present that God gave the world about 2000 years ago - Jesus! One of the most famous Bible verses, John 3:16, says:'God loved the world so much, that he gave his one and only Son, so that whoever believes in him may not be lost but have eternal life.

All over the world, families and friends give presents to each other. Most children around the world believe in a Christmas gift bringer. It's often St Nick, Santa or Father Christmas, but different countries have different gift bringers.

These presents are also left in different places! In most of Europe, the presents are left in shoes or boots put out by the children. In Italy, the UK and USA presents are left in stockings, often left hanging by a fire place. In many countries, presents for friends and family may be left under the Christmas Tree. In the UK, they are often opened on Christmas day morning with all the family together. My family leave a Christmas bag out for Santa to fill. The custom of hanging stockings comes from the story of St. Nicholas.

Presents are opened on different days over the world as well. The earliest presents are opened is on St. Nicholas' Eve on December 5th when children in Holland of ten receive their presents. On St. Nicholas' Day (6th December) children in Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic and some other European countries open some of their presents.

Children in the UK, USA and many other countries, such as Japan, open their presents on Christmas Day, December 25th. The latest presents are opened on January 6th (a month after the earliest). This is known as Epiphany which I will explain in another post.

One popular way of giving presents in groups such as clubs, school classes and workplaces is to have a 'Secret Santa'. This is where you pull the name of someone else in the group out of a hat (or other container!). You then buy a present for that person. When the presents are given out (often at a Christmas party) each person is given their present but they have no idea which person in the group bought it for them!

Wednesday 14 December 2016


Blood hell its hot, another day with temps in the high 30's or low 40's, last night was a stinking hot night as well but thankfully we have an air conditioner in the bedroom and it went all night. Leo has gone swimming to day for the schools end of year reward for his year at school, so has Blain but to different pools.

Now even though it is stinking bloody hot Leo insisted on wearing long pants he doesn't like shorts this year, at least I make sure the pants are light weight so he doesn't get too hot in them, although he says he doesn't get hot. I packed board shorts for him to wear in the pool and I hope he has a good day.

Blain is suppose to be walking from his school to the pool, it is a bloody long walk and so bloody hot I hope he is ok as he does suffer from heat stroke.

I have been up since just after 5.30am again and got all Natasha's washing done and dried and folded except for her work rags they are still on the line all this was done before I took Leo to school.

When I got into the car to take him to school it was 28°c outside on the way home it was 31°c not sure what it is now but I am pretty sure it is hotter still.

Saw the doctor yesterday about my back pain she wants me to have another CT scan done of my lower back and prescribed Panadine Forte for the pain, what the hell I need something stronger than Panadine Forte for those who don't know what Panadine Forte is it's paracetamol and codeine strong pain relief just not strong enough in my opinion.

I cannot stand for more then a few minutes without pain, hanging washing on the line to dry is agony as is standing or even sitting to wrap presents and how the hell I am going to cope on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day cooking is beyond me but I will because that is how I roll. I cannot walk unaided more then a few feet which is why when I go shopping the first thing I do after I park the car is find a shopping trolley for support.

Well I have rambled on about the heat and my back pain for long enough I will now post this and then finish writing my Christmas cards and this afternoon I want to finish wrapping gifts. So much work for one day but you know what I love it.


  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...