Tuesday 29 July 2014

Sunday Lunch and being hot because it was cold

Good morning everyone, hope everyone is well this morning or night depending on where you are in the world. Me for some reason I woke up feeling queasy and have been coughing and retching and throwing up.

Right now I am starting this while Leo has his breakfast than of course we will be off to the school, I hope I am ok on the drive to the school.

Now let's move on to more important stuff because my health although important it is not the most important thing by any means.

If I was to say to you that on Saturday when I went out I was hot because it was cold would that make any sense to you.

If not I will explain, on cold days I usually put the heater on for say 10-15 minutes before I get out of bed, I have a small two bar heater in the bedroom. Anyway I put it on to warm the room a bit before I get dressed and on Saturday I didn't so when I got dressed I dressed in really warm clothes and then I went shopping and of course because it was so cold the shopping centres had their heat turn up and that meant that I ended up getting hot. So I was hot because it was cold. Now does that make sense.

Sunday's lunch at my parents place was great, there was 11 adults and 9 children their and we managed to have a couple of family photos taken dad took one and then Kelli took one with dad in it, of course to get on with everyone in it we would need a non family member to take it and there was no non family members there.

Of course I am sharing a few photos taken on the day but not the big family one as yet because that was taken with my dad's camera and I don't have a copy of it yet. 


  1. It will be good for you when summer comes. Great family pics. That must be awesome to have all the family for dinner.

    1. Yes I agree this winter I am not the best sick, better, sick and better than sick again I am over it. Yes it was bloody great having so many family members for lunch

  2. Beautiful new mom with a beautiful new daughter. Hope you're feeling better.

  3. It makes sense to me. When I lived where it got cold, I would put on heavy clothes and then be too warm when I went in a shop.


  4. Could your illnesses be stress related? I know if I lived your life, my blog would be "Notes Form The Rubber Room" sometimes...

    1. It could be stress I remember when my girls where little I would get sick more often and I was told at the time it was caused by stress

  5. Love her... she is so cute!! :)

  6. Sweet family pics. I hope you are feeling better by now.



Good morning, everyone who read this, hope you are doing well this week we are off to Greece. People have lived in Greece for more than 5,...