Saturday, 7 June 2014

My special girl is now 25

Good morning world it is now Saturday in my part of the world and it is dry although I am not pegging the washing on the line today as I don't think it is drying weather.

I am watching Daemon and Leo this morning, well most of the day I expect as yesterday was my special girl (Jessica) 25th birthday so she went out last night with Jono and Kelli and today they are all sleeping off hangovers.

I don't mind watching the boys I had them Thursday night as well while the girls went to poker but of course I didn't have to watch them all Friday as Leo went to school and Kelli was here to take care of Daemon.

It has been raining a lot in my part of the world for the last few days and it has been pretty cold, although it is winter so I guess that is to be expected.

Leo is addicted to his mums iphone well to more exact he is addicted to Minecraft, which I know is some kind of game he wants the iphone all the time I know some people would have something to say about that but not me, life is hard enough as it is without carrying on about little things like this.

Back to Jessica, since it was her birthday yesterday I said I would do a birthday lunch for her either today or tomorrow, she picked tomorrow so I have taken the roast out of the freezer to defrost I will cook it over night in the slow cooker and I will do baked veggies with it tomorrow. I am also going to get her a birthday ice cream cake well not a cake she wants a Viennetta Ice Cream instead.

Oh yeah I gave her a $50 gift card for EB Games for her birthday well Leo gave it to her and she was happy with it she said my gift could be tomorrows lunch although I would like to give her something else but I have no idea what.

Oh yeah I should mention that she is now 25yrs old or as she was saying on Friday a quarter of a century old, although on Friday morning Kelli made the mistake of saying she was half a century old which cracked Jessica up. I find it amazing at times that my baby is 25 now it seems only yesterday she was born.

I seem to saying over and over again “no more junk food” “no more doritos” come to think of it the boys are too quiet so I expect they are somewhere eating doritos I was right I walked into the kitchen to find them eating the doritos bloody

Oh yeah last night when they were getting ready to go out Kelli said something about how she looked and Sue (her mum) said of course you are beautiful you're my girl I said to Sue I was going to say that but I thought you would get annoyed and the look she gave me was daggers, I said you know I am joking, I know she is your daughter and Sue just looked daggers at me and said do you.............really she looked so pissed with me, oh well she will get over it..............anyone would think it was a bad thing that I love her daughter like she was my own. Maybe Sue doesn't feel that way about any of her nieces or nephews because is she did she would understand where I am coming from.


  1. Happy birthday to your sweet girl! Sounds like you've got a great celebration planned. And just to let you know, I am closing my blog for a bit, but will be checking in from time to time on my favorite blogs, of which yours is one!

    1. Sorry to hear you are closing your blog, I am pleased to hear I am one of your favourite blogs, and yesterday was great loud and crowded but awesome as well

  2. Birthdays seem to come quicker every year.
    Happy belated birthday! :)

    1. I know it seems like years fly by the older we get the faster times fly and it should be the other way round

  3. Oh yeah, I know all about Minecraft. That's all my kids talk about and play. It's pretty much one of the hottest games right now. Your daughter's birthday celebration sounds lovely. I hope she enjoyed her special day.

    1. Yeah at least I know it is some kind of game even if I don't know how to play it

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Happy belated Birthday to your girl.
    Can't believe how fast time flies!


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