Thursday, 12 June 2014

I like my about you

Well here I am on Thursday afternoon writing another post about my life, today Kelli woke up sick she has been throwing up and has the runs as well she is so sick she hasn't got out of bed and when I got back from taking Leo to school I noticed that Jono was here, he just left again while I was out.

Kathy-Lee asked me to go and get her a nasal spray for her blocked nose and when I returned I notice Jono leaving as far as I know Kelli and Daemon are asleep as I said I haven't seen either of them all day.

It is a nice warmish day but not overly warm I am still wearing long pants and socks so not that warm. Tim said he will be working late again tonight by late I mean he should be home around 8ish tonight, just in time for me to see him before I go to

When I got home I grated some cheese, I prefer to grate my own cheese over buying grated cheese, don't get me wrong I do buy grated cheese just not that often, I also like to have a number of different cheeses such as Edam, Jarlsberg, Swiss to name a few and usually have a few containers of different cheeses in the fridge.

We eat a lot of cheese in this household grated cheese as well as sliced cheese again I like a number of different types of sliced cheese, such as Colby, Edam, Swiss to name a few along with the usually cheddar cheese.

So do you like cheese?

Do you grate your own cheese or do you buy grated cheese?


  1. Take care of your health! Cheese is good for health. My kid likes it very much!

    1. Yeah Leo and Daemon would eat a packet of cheese if we let them

  2. My husband is the cheese eater in this house. I mostly use it in cooking and I'm about 50/50 on buying it whole vs. shredded or sliced!

    1. Yeah sometimes buying it already grated is the easiest option but it is cheaper to buy it whole and grate it myself

  3. I've been on a cheese stick kick lately...colby/jack mix with crackers...I can't seem to get enough! lol I'm like Danni, about 50/50 when it comes to buying whole blocks to shred myself vs the pre-shredded kind.

    1. Oh yeah I love cheese and crackers and usually have some of an evening

  4. That reminds me... it's time for a couple of BabyBels...

  5. I love cheese but I usually buy grated cheese. One of my sons really likes it too which makes a good snack. Have you ever tried Manchego cheese? It's a Spanish cheese that one of my friends told me about and I thought it was good.

    1. No I have not heard of Manchego cheese, I will have to give it a try

  6. I'm much too lazy to grate cheese. I buy it grated, or sliced. The sliced is for omelets and the grated if parmesan for use on spaghetti. Willy Dunne Wooters really likes spaghetti.


    1. Oh that reminds me I need to buy Parmesan cheese we are having spaghetti bol sometime during the week

  7. Love cheeses!! Sometimes grate my own, but most of the time buy it grated. Also love parmesan on spaghetti. :)

    1. I use to always buy grated cheese but it is cheaper to grate my own so that is what I do now


Woman's work in war times

First up there is a new post over here: Now for today's post. During the secon...