Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Had my Well Woman Check Today

Good afternoon all, how is everyone this fine afternoon I am home alone for the time being, Kelli and Daemon have gone out to pick up Jono and they are off to a house inspection in Wallsend and Tim will not be home from work till around 11pm by which time I will be in bed asleep.

As I sit here this afternoon wondering what to write about I am again consumed with back pain and I am so over being in pain and the doctor will not give me anything for it, I asked for some anti inflammatory tablets but she didn't want to give me any however I talked her into it and she gave me a trial packet as she said I should only be on them for 5 days.

I had to go the doctor today for a well woman's check (pap smear)not a pleasant procedure but one we women need to have done. My aunt on my mothers side her younger sister died of cervical cancer at the age of 28 that was back in 1972 she left 5 children without a mother. I was only 10 so I don't remember her, I do remember going with my mum to visit her once but really I was too young to have any memories of her.

Today I had to also have something called the HPV-DNA test this is because many years ago I had a high grade abnormal result, which involved me having laser surgery to remove the abnormal cells.

I have tried to stress to my girls how important it is to have pap smears, although I know one of my sisters is terrible at having them done regularly and you would think she would know better but still she doesn't have them done. She has said she doesn't like them and they are an embarrassment I feel it would be worse if you die because you were too embarrassed to have a simple test done.


  1. Yes, it IS important and it IS embarrassing to have the pap smear but you must really. Especially as you said, when there is a history of cancer in the family. Good on you for just going and getting it done.

    1. I happen to think it is something too many women stress over, just go and have it done it really isn't that bad

  2. Good for you! I hope you get to feeling better~

    1. Why thank you, I think I am going to feel worse before I feel better some how as I now think I am getting a cold or the flu how lucky am I

  3. I agree. I'd rather deal with some momentary embarrassment than to be dead.

    1. Yeah being dead would really suck so would all the drugs you would need to fight the cancer

  4. I haven't had a woman check in a while. I hate them.

    1. You sound like my sister she hates them so she doesn't bother with them

    2. You sound like my sister she hates them so she doesn't bother with them

  5. After mine last year, they called to say, "There were some slight abnormalities, but nothing to be alarmed about. We'll just watch it more carefully next year." Great...so I have to worry about it for a year? My mammograms are always ridiculous. I'm lumpy, so entire teams have to look at me and it always ends up just being lumps. They told me if I stopped drinking caffeine, it might help...but here I sit, drinking a Diet Dr. Pepper!

    1. My mum had to have a breast reduction in order to have mammograms, when I had my first mammogram last year they found something and I had to have a biopsy but it turned out to be nothing just the way my breast is

  6. Good for you for keeping up with you doctor visits! So many women fear going but it is CRITICAL to get pap smears done as well as monograms. Thanks for spreading the word!

    1. I hope to live to a ripe old age so these tests are needed


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