Monday, 10 December 2012

Iron Infusion

Ok my voice recording didn’t work yesterday which sucks but what did I say well just that I was flat out of Friday I went to 5 different shopping centres and still didn’t get my food shopping done so I had to go out again on Saturday to do my food shopping also went to Big W as they had a one day sale and there were a few things I wanted to get. 

Because Tim was working in Sydney over the weekend I had to catch a bus to Lake Fair and get one of my daughters to pick me up and bring me home, Natasha did that which was good what wasn’t was that I spent more than I thought I would but not a lot more only like $10 or so…………….

Moving on yesterday was a quiet day here didn’t do much of anything and had Jessica and Leo turns up around lunch time for the rest of the day and last night.  I asked Jessica if she would stay last night and drive me over to the Mater (hospital) this morning I had to be there by 8.30am for my iron infusion. 

It all went well I did get cold and tired and had a little nap while there, I was told that it was common to be tired while having the infusion and for the first day of the procedure and over the next few days I should expect to have flu like symptoms. Right now I have a headache but nothing new there I often get headaches. 

We are in summer here in Australia but today it is cold and wet so cold that I had to have a hot bath with the heater on and right now I am wearing my winter pj’s and socks and slippers.  

I had to get my mum to pick me up at around 1.15pm this afternoon and bring me home, Jessica had gone back to her place and after she had been there a while she notice that there was workmen digging up the driveway doing some work on the speed humps so she was unable to get out which is why I told her not to worry about coming to get me.


  1. I do hope the infusion does the trick. Those things are no fun and not having to have another one would be a great thing. Do you have all your Christmas shopping done already? I've hardly begun!

    1. I have 95% of my Christmas shopping done still have a few things to get and the house looks much better more like Christmas now.......

      I also hope the infusion does the trick but today I am feeling like shit aching all over and tired as all hell........if hell gets tired that is if not well then I have nothing I am just

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks I have my fingers crossed that it will work, well not really crossed as if that was the case I wouldn't be able to

  3. I hope all goes well as planned for you Jo-Anne!

  4. Replies
    1. I am sure in a few days I will be feeling better, today I am feeling like shit aching all over and tired as all hell........

  5. I hope and pray that the iron helps perk you up! sandie

    1. Yes me too, I have to have blood test every week for the next four weeks to see if it has helped

  6. Maybe now you'll have a magnetic personality?;)

    Seriously, I took a suppliment called Troph-Iron for as long as I could remember into my teenage years. Started when I was 2 because my blood was too thin to get the tonsilectomy.

    1. I don't think I will ever have a magnetic personality just the oppersite............I took iron as a child because I was born iron deficient

  7. Hope you're feeling better. Having low iron levels isn't fun at all. I am glad your family is helping get you where you need to be.

    1. Yes I am lucky that for the most part I have a great family who are supportive

  8. Hope you get better soon--keep asking for help so you can heal!

    1. I also hope that in the next couple of weeks I will start to feel more alive

  9. I hope this helps you in the long run. That pic looks painful. I hate IVs

    1. It wasn't painful the nurse got the needle in first go which was great since I have rotton veins

  10. Well, gee whiz. That does not look comfortable at all. Iron deficient? I get almost low on that and then I get all kinds of tired. Hope these infusions work for you. And I hope you start feeling better.

  11. Hello Jo-Anne. Gosh! I do hope you get to feeling better soon. Being anemic is no fun. We'll remember you in our prayers.


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