Sunday, 22 September 2024

Week 38 of 2024



Had a rough night very restless and cold I got up at 4.53am I was just too cold. It is 8 degrees and my BGL was 4.0

I am so tired that I am going to close my eyes before I do the online shopping.

Sandy and Denni came over so I could give Denni her birthday present.

I also closed my eyes for another hour between 2 & 3pm.

It has been a cold day.

Tim paid his tax bill but didn’t wait for me to help and didn’t put in the new reference number so he will have to ring the ATO tomorrow about that.

Steps: 2,103

Had a good night, woke once to pee then again at 5am just before the alarm went off. It is a cold morning with the temp being 6 degrees, my BGL is 4.5.

I have a lot of pain in my upper back and my chest. When Sandy called in to drop off my meds, she picked up from the chemist for me I had her rub Vicks into my upper back, and it has helped.

I mostly cold day, managed a 1hr nap, having even just a one-hour nap helps me.                           


Had a good night, didn’t wake once, slept through to the alarm went off at 5am.

It doesn’t feel as cold this morning, the temp is 8 degrees and my BGL was 4.8

It is a warm day; I am feeling shaky today. I managed a 1.5hr nap in my armchair.

Spoke to Sam about not taking meds of a morning she said she didn’t forget but didn’t want to take it to see how she did at school. I said ok she could have told me that.

Steps: 2,698

Had a rough night took me a while to settle down but once I did, I slept ok.

It is a cold start to the day at 7 degrees my BGL was 4.8

I had to change into my warm PJ bottoms for a while due to the cold. By 11am I was back in the 3/4 light weight pants.

Jess bought me Macca’s for lunch.

I tried to have a nap but only managed 20-minutes, I just started to feel restless.

Still managed to stay up till 9pm.

Steps: 3,060

Had a better night, woke twice I think, I also woke with a headache this morning. It is 11 degrees and my BGL was 4.8.

At 6am the power went out I checked the circuit breakers flicked a couple of switches, and some power returned but no lights. After messing around with things for a little while I rang Tasha and discovered she had the same issue, so it is just waiting for it to come good now.

We didn’t lose power in the kitchen but when I made my milkshake the blender was only operating at half speed. It was good enough to make the milkshake though.

By 11am I had to change into shorts.

By midday I had a lot of pain in my left shoulder.


Had a so-so night was restless between 11.40 and 12.40 so got up and used the powerfit and watched something on You Tube before going back to bed and sleeping till the alarm went off at 5am. It is 10 degrees and my BGL was 5.0.

Sue drove me to Aldi and Millers this morning it was a nice outing. I love how much we laugh when we are together. I wore a skirt over my shorts along with matching earrings and necklace.

It is a really warm day the temp is 24 degrees.

Tim won’t be home till around 11.30pm then he has to get up at 7am as he is working tomorrow.

Steps: 4,183


Had a good night, slept well but when I got up at 5am I found myself just standing there, not with it so I went back to bed for an hour. When I got up at 6am I felt awake and with it.

I sent a birthday message to Skylar via Sandy’s phone, at 11.30am Sandy called in to see if I had a cake tin, I don’t she didn’t look or sound good and told me to spray with Glen 20 which is a disinfectant spray, so I did.

Tim arrived home around 6.30pm.

Steps: 3,989










  1. Busy week. Happy birthday to Skylar! :)

  2. Don't worry about the cold-summer's coming.
    Here, on the other hand, to quote "Game of Throne," winter is coming.

    1. "Game of Throne" never watched it but know the quote

  3. Happy birthday to Skylar. You sure had a busy week!

    1. Thank you for the birthday wishes and yeah it was a busy week

  4. Happy Birthday to both ... you had a busy week!! I'm guessing it will get warmer soon? We are heading into cooler weather next month.

    1. Thanks for the birthday wishes today is a warm day

  5. Happy Birthday to Skylar and Denni!!! Blessings, Jo-Anne!

  6. Happy birthdays to both Denni and Skylar. Soon, the tides will change and you’ll be warm and hot and we’ll be cold. Just the way the world turns.

    1. It is another warm day and thank you for wishing the girls happy birthday

  7. Happy birthday Denni and Skylar! Sounds like you had as many bad nights as good ones, hope that changes soon.

    1. Yeah I often feel I have as many bad night as good nights

  8. Happy Birthday to Denni and Skylar! XX


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