Tuesday, 3 September 2024



I haven’t felt well for the last few days, and still don’t feel much chop after doing anything I find myself tired again, and it’s getting me down.

Anyway, here is a bit more about tigers, did you know there are eight sub-species of tiger, they are the Bali tiger, Bengal tiger, Caspian tiger, Ind-Chinese tiger, Javan tiger, Siberian tiger, South China tiger and the Sumatran tiger. Although the Caspian, Bali & Javan tigers are now extinct. The rest are still endangered.

The largest tiger is the Siberian tiger found in Russia.

The smallest tiger is the Sumatran tiger found on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia.

The South Chinese tiger is considered to be the evolutionary ancestor of all the tigers in the world. It is the most endangered.

There are tales of the Great Bengal Tigers being ferocious man eaters but almost all wild tigers avoid humans, thus fatal attacks by tigers on humans is thankfully rare. They generally will only attack if provoked or injured.

Many adult males claim territory as their own keeping other males out a territory is usually about 52sq km or 20 sq miles and usually includes a body of water.

Tigers communicate by using different sounds.

There are some white tigers, they have white fur and chocolate-brown or black stripes, they also have blue eyes were other tigers have yellow eyes and are very rare. Most of them can be found in zoos.


  1. Tigers get a bad rap. The old circus used to promote them as man- eating tigers. That white tiger with the brown stripes is gorgeous.
    Hope you’re feeling better soon

  2. I so hope you are feeling better, Jo-Anne. Thanks for braving your illness to give us some more great info on tigers. God bless!

  3. Hope you are feeling a bit better today.

  4. I hope you feel better. I've been struggling lately too. Very interesting information on the tigers. Thank you.

    1. I do feel better, I am finding the big cats so interesting

  5. I knew there were different kinds but not that there were that many of them. Love the white one!
    Hope you are feeling better.

  6. Why were those handsome tigers hunted nearly into extinction? For food?

    1. No but for their body parts to be used in traditional Chinese medicine

  7. I do hope you're feeling better soon. Our local university team mascot is the tiger and there are tiger paws painted, decal-ed, and added to everything : ) Of course there's no live mascot on the field, just someone dressed in a tiger suit, but if you donate to the university some of the funds go to support field work of various student-faculty teams committed to saving wild tigers in India and around the world. This is a good thing I think. Take care!

    1. I would have been shocked if they had a live tiger as a mascot, someone in a tiger suit is far safer, and I agree donating something to save the tigers is a good thing


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