Monday, 30 November 2020

More facts

 Hello Monday, hello life here we are at Monday so it is fact day

Scottish inventor John Logic Baird gave the first public demonstration of television in 1926 in Soho London

Ten years later there was only 100 TV set in the world, today there is more like a billion.

The first daily television broadcast was started by the BBC in November 1935.

Bird droppings where the main export of Narua an island in the Western Pacific.

A quarter of Russia is covered by forest.


  1. Interesting facts - one about the TV is good.

  2. Interesting facts. We have taken TV for granted.

  3. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    One cannot imagine life without TV... What a drastic change that brought to the world and often in a negative way! At least nowadays the media is not covering things fairly but just use it as their propaganda to bow to the NWO.

  4. Hi Jo-Anne - fortunes were made from guano ... a really valuable natural fertiliser in the 1800 onwards ... take care and have a good week - Hilary

  5. Interesting.... wonder what was on BBC back then...

  6. Margaret D.........Thanks

    Nancy........That we do

    Mareitte......I know I can't

    Hilary.....,..I knew that

    Chris.....Yeah nothing like we see now days


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