Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Gross Facts No:7

Hello everyone, after a string on hot days it is very cool and wet here, suppose to have light rain on and off all day. Anyway here are this weeks gross facts, this week is part two of parasites facts.

Hookworms can live in your intestine, sucking on your blood.

Flukes are parasitic worms found in fish,cattle and sheep. Humans can also become infected by swimming in fluke infested water.

Thorny-headed worms hatch inside pond crustaceans, which are then eaten by ducks. The worm reproduces inside the duck, and its eggs come out in the duck's poo. They are then eaten by a crustacean and the cycle begins again.

The tongue-eating louse eats the tongue of its fish victim and lives in its place

A female flea sucks up to 15 times her own body weight in blood every day.


  1. And with your blog, I will finally be caught up from weekend laziness...

    However, it seems all I can say is, "Thank you, Jesus, for creating me a human being and not a worm..."

  2. Dear Jo-Anne, you couldn't write about gross things if you didn't have a curious mind. That's a great gift and keeps life interesting I would think. Peace.

  3. Yuk Jo-Anne, could have done without knowing this lot....lol

  4. Karen......Agreed

    Chatty......I know

    Chris.......Yep human is better than worm

    Dee.......Gross facts are also interesting facts

    Margaret.....I get that

    Rita........Yeah I know

  5. So true, these are indeed gross facts about worms, hookworms, etc. I hope I will not recall these facts the next time I eat fish or duck. Yuks!


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn.blogspot.com/2025/03/just-bit-of-hodgepodge.html https://jamfn....