Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Christmas Day

Merry Christmas everyone, I hope everyone has had a better Christmas then I have had, yesterday was a horrible day I some how screwed up when I was doing the rego for Jessica's car and it didn't go through and her car wasn't registered. So she got pulled over by the cops and got $1,300 fine. Tim and others say we should take it to court but I don't know, I said we will discuss it with Jessica and we will see.

Then last night I had upsetting dreams again, about Tim not loving me any more and being cruel to me, I know it was only a dream but still it was upsetting. Tim has never been cruel to me and I know he loves me, so why the hell did I have such a dream yet again.

Tasha came and did my make-up and helped me get dressed in my Christmas dress and I packed the car while she got ready, we then headed over to my parents place. We were the first to arrive but within about 10 minutes or so my brother and family arrived we then exchanged gifts all round.

After gifts were exchanged we started preparing lunch which was cold ham,warmish chicken, turkey & pork with baked potatoes with salad, I do not eat salad,, dessert was a lemon meringue roulade.

After coming home I tried too have a nap but couldn't, Kathy-Lee drove me home, her and her girls came to my parents place, it was the first time they have turned up in years.

Now Jessica & Leo are here in order to see me and Papa and get their gifts, Papa should be home by 5pm.

I now have a headache



  2. I get dreams like that too. I'm betting your subconscious was beating you up over the rego or something else. Best thing to to do with those dreams is wake up telling them SCREW YOU, I know better. Hope things went better afterwards!

  3. I'm so sorry you didn't have a good day. I hope things get better for you soon.

  4. So sorry for things that went terribly wrong. These are part and parcels of life. Hope things will turn out better.

  5. Chatty.....Thank you

    Chris......Yes I a getting better at telling those dreams to bugga off

    Karen......Getting a hug from my daughter and being told she wasn't mad at me helped

    Nancy......Yeah life is good and I am ok

  6. I wish you the best of New Years, Jo-Anne! I consider you a friend.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn.blogspot.com/2025/03/just-bit-of-hodgepodge.html https://jamfn....