Tuesday, 18 December 2018

Christmas Cards

Hello everyone, Christmas is fast approaching only 7 days till the big day, are you excited?

As I sit here and look up I see Christmas cards hanging on my wall and I think, who sent the first Christmas card and when, so I do what you do when you think such things, I ask Google. This is the answer I got.

The first Christmas card was created and sent in 1843. A man named John Calcott Horsley printed the first Christmas card for Sir Henry Cole, the friend who had given him the idea.

I then thought, I wonder how many Christmas cards are sent each year, so again I ask Google and this is the answer.

Over 2 billion Christmas cards are sent in the US each year.

In the UK, this figure will likely be around 900 million

Couldn't find an answer for how many are sent here in Australia.................

I can tell you that here the cost of a stamp to send a Christmas card is 65cents which is 35cents cheaper then the cost of a normal stamp.


  1. Interesting information about Christmas cards. The cost of stamp to send a card is 60 cents in our currency, which is about Australian 20 cents. This year I only sent one Christmas card to a friend who doesn't use smartphone. For the rest, we send greeting cards through Whatsapp. Have a happy day!

  2. I wonder what the per year was at it's peak, because certainly at least here in the states it's largely been replaced by e-mails and Jib-jabs...

  3. Are you saying Christmas stamps are cheaper than every day stamps where you are?

  4. Fascinating. I know card companies do well this time of year but I didn't know how it started.

  5. Nancy......I prefer cards I can hang up and look at

    Chris......So true not as many cards are sent now days

    Chatty......Yes they are cheaper

    Karen.......Pleased you found this interesting

  6. Love receiving and sending Christmas Cards Jo-Anne. Put them on my piano so I can see them.

  7. Our Christmas stamps have never been cheaper. Regular stamp here is 50 cents but going up to 55 cents in January.

  8. I think my wife has paint and sent a billion of those cards here in the US.

  9. Margaret.....Cards we can see are great

    Rita.........I guess we are lucky we have cheaper Christmas card stamps

    Rick........I am sure those who received them liked then

  10. I love Christmas cards but sadly we dont receive now. All send greetings by mail !
    Have a nice Christmas.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

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