Thursday, 29 November 2018

Friendship Poem No:5

What a desolate place, would be a world without flowers.
It would be a face without a smile; a feast without a welcome.
Are not flowers the stars of the earth?
Are not our stars the flowers of heaven?


  1. "Friends are like flowers they brighten your day"(unknown)

  2. Dear Jo-Anne, I so liked this poem--the idea of flowers being the ground's stars and stars being the heaven's flowers. Lovely. Peace.

  3. Chatty.......Thank you, the day was good, the night was not

    Margaret.....Yes it was

    Diane.......What a nice saying

    Chris........It is

    Dee..........It is a nice poem


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....