Thursday, 9 August 2018

A Thursday post

Yesterday with one thing or another I didn't get around to doing a post, after taking Leo to school I went to my aqua aerobics then after coming home and getting changed I had to go and get the cheese & bacon rolls for Blain's lunch.

After that Tim and I went out for lunch at the Eastern Tiger which was great, about 45 minutes after we get home I tell Tim it is time to take Blain his lunch, that was at 1.20pm and in a blink it was 2pm and time for me to get ready and head off to the school to get Leo. I also had to get Denni yesterday afternoon for Sandy.

After the afternoon school run I came home and laid down for an hour, I did read and comment on blogs but didn't get around to writing a post.

Should convicted killers be allowed out on a weekend to play footy, some say they should as it is a way to reward good behaviour others say it is just wrong as prison is suppose to be a punishment. One of the killers in question killed someone in a car accident the other was a one punch killer, I am against it, it just doesn't sound right.

They say first born children are closer to their mothers and have more confidence, well I am the first born and I am really close to my mum, but not sure about the more confidence bit.

It is official 100% of the state of New South Wales is in drought, I for those who don't know live in this state, no sure how this will affect me and my family. We don't use a lot of water as both Tim and I only shower every second day and we only run the dishwasher when it is full same for the washing machine, I do full loads and if I do a small load I adjust the water intake, I know some people don't do that, having the water set to high regardless of how full the machine is.

Pink had to cancel some shows here because she was sick and ended up in hospital, some people act like this was a choice but if you are sick enough to be in hospital, you may not be up to singing and dancing to the level she does when she preforms. Yes it would have pissed off people who turned up only to be told the show was cancelled but when someone is sick they are sick.

Well it is about time for me to get Leo into gear to get ready for school as it is nearly time to leave.


  1. You are so busy all the time. I wouldn't be able to keep up with you.


  2. Well you have a lot going on and I see your mind goes fast too - sounds like me!

  3. Interesting facts. I agree, if the poor woman is sick and in the hospital, maybe people should give her a break and not criticize her on top of it all.

  4. There are places here that are in a drought. And a wildfire in California is the worst in state history. Anyone who thinks climate change is not real has their head in the sand.

  5. Looks like you had a very busy day. It must have been tiring for you.

  6. Killer footy: I'm with you.

    First born: I was last by 10 years. KC seems to fit the mold, but that's a small sample size.

    I don't know that we hit drought level, but about a month ago our grass was brown and smelled like hay.

    In this world, it's easy to be forgiving if you hadn't set plans and shelled out $100 for tickets and such, not so much if you had.

  7. Janie............It feels like it at times

    Chatty..........At times I feel like I can't slow down

    Karen.......... Agreed no one wants to be sick

    Rick..........All over the world the climate is crazy

    Nancy..........Yes it is tiring

    Chris...........Yeah when you fork out a lot of money it is easy to be pissed but it wasn't her choice to be sick.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....