Monday, 6 August 2018

Did you know No:21

Hello everyone, here I am on a cold and wet Monday morning I am feeling stuffed up in the head and I am blowing my nose so much it feels like I am going to blow it off my face. This morning Leo noticed it was raining and got all excited raining around yelling “it's raining” before going up to see Tasha, granted we have not had rain in a month.

Anyway here is this weeks five did you know facts.

Nights in the tropics are warm because moist air retains heat well, in the desert the nights cold rapidly because dry air does not hold heat to the same degree.

A computer with the job of issuing traffic citations made a mistake in September 1989 and sent notices to 41,000 residents of Paris, France informing them that they were charged with murder.

Steel is flammable which is why if you took a match to steel wool it would burst into flames and become very hot. When steel rusts it is the same process as burning, both burning and rust occur when the iron in steel reacts with oxygen from the air.

You drink about 75,000 litres or 20,000 gallons of water in your lifetime.

In 1657 a Japanese priest set his kimono on fire in Tokyo because he thought it was bad luck.
He was right..............the flames spread until over 10,000 buildings were destroyed and 100,000 people died.


  1. I hope your cold will clear soon. I recovered from one last month. Even with the rain, the weather here is still very warm and humid.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne ... hope the cold eases up. I know the desert air is really cold - but produces some moisture for anything lives in the desert lands. All the best for the week - Hilary

  3. Scrappy's trying to drink that much a week...

  4. Nancy........Thanks I am not so bad today

    Hilary.......I am doing ok today, yes things can live in the desert

    Chris........I come no where near drinking that much because I don't like water much

  5. I hate colds - hope you feel better.

    This was a hoot:
    A computer with the job of issuing traffic citations made a mistake in September 1989 and sent notices to 41,000 residents of Paris, France informing them that they were charged with murder.



Canada's National Anthem

  This week we are looking at the national anthem of Canada, the song is called “O Canada", it was originally commissioned by Lieutenan...