Monday, 27 August 2018

Home from China

Hello everyone we are home from China and settled back into the normal run of the mill that is life here. Thursday saw us have a sleep in as we chose not to do another market tour so after breakfast we returned to our room and packed, check out was midday so at 11.50 we headed down to the lobby. Tim handed in our keys and we sat and waited till 2.45pm when the tour bus returned to pick us up and take us to the airport.

Our flight left at around 8pm and after I had tea/dinner on the plane I went to sleep and slept till they brought breakfast which was not the nicest but after we landed we headed to Macca's for breakfast.

After breakfast we headed to the train station for the return trip to Newie, Natasha picked us up from the train station.

It was great to get home and have a nice hot bath and sleep in my own bed, I missed my bath and my own bed.

All in all we had a great holiday with some downs and some really downs, no there were no ups just downs and on par but no ups.


  1. Good to know that you are home safely after your China holiday! Home, sweet home!

  2. I’ve always wanted to visit China.

  3. Sorry to hear your journey kinda sucked. Hopefully time and distance will make it better.

  4. A holiday with no ups doesn't sound like a lot of fun. :( Glad you are all home safe and sound.

  5. Glad you got home all safe and nice. Sorry it wasn't a better trip. Have a great day.

  6. Hi Jo-Ann ... welcome back and look forward to hearing more - cheers Hilary

  7. Nancy......It is good to be home

    Rick.......It is a lovely country, I am glad we went

    Chris......Yeah I know but I am glad we went

    Rita........If I wasn't so disabled there might have been some ups

    Chatty......Yes I felt lucky to be able to go there

    Marg.......Thanks it was a good trip and I am glad I went


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....