Thursday, 31 August 2017

Feeling a bit better and Father's Day is coming

Hello blogland, here I am at last doing a post this week still not 100% but getting there, managed to drag my body out of bed at 4.30am and do 61 minutes of exercise before Leo wanted my attention in the kitchen so I packed it in.

Yesterday I managed to write 6 letters to penpals and have a 7th half written which I hope to finish today.

It's the Father's Day stall at Leo's school today so found $10 for him to take to get something for whoever he wants to buy for, usually he buys for his mum or papa or Jono who he calls “dad” but he knows Jono isn't his dad he is Blain's dad but in many way is a father figure to Leo.

Father's Day Tim and I are going over to my parents place for lunch, be it an early lunch this year as my brother and his family are going to the footy so he wants an early lunch. We are having fish and chips because it is cheaper then KFC which cost us $100 on Mother's Day, fish & chips should cost us around $40-50, yeah even fish & chips costs a pretty penny when there are a lot of people.

Asked Tim last night for $60 to get his Father's Day present from me, he wanted to know what I was getting that cost so much, wouldn't tell him all I would say is I saw something I thought he would like and wanted money to get it.

A few years back Tim was complaining one Father's Day that I hadn't got him much and my mum said to him well how much did you give her to get you a present his answer nothing, so mum said if you don't give her money how is she suppose to get you something unless you give her money to buy something. At times he forgets that I have no money of my own, all I have is what he gives me.


  1. Okay, this... any number of off-color, pithy comments suggest themselves. I'm trying to refrain.

    Well, have a great father's day, you and Tim. Tell him he's got you, and that's one whole helluva lot more than any other man ever had. He's lucky to have you.

  2. Hi, Jo-Anne!

    I'm happy to learn that you are feeling better and I applaud you for getting right back to your exercise program. Enjoy the rest of your week. I hope this year's Father's Day observance brings your family together in harmony.

    1. Thanks Father's Day is usually a big day for our family, I would have exercised longer if Leo hadn't wanted my attention

  3. So glad you're feeling better. I am on that short leash right now myself. We were in agreement that I would quit teaching to take care of the granddaughter but then he decided it was 1950 instead of 2017. I started an Etsy shop but it takes a while to get those off the ground. I hope you aren't building up resentment like I am.

    1. I am good at stretching money and saving which helps, thankfully he gave me the money I neded

  4. I'm glad to see you back. Tim should make sure you have access to money when you need it.


    1. He does give me money each week which I use for rent, water, phone, internet, foxtel, mobile phones, christmas hampers and food.

  5. Glad you're feeling better. Have a happy father's day. :)

  6. Hi Jo-Anne! Glad to hear that you are well and back to your exercise. I hope you and love ones have a beautiful Father's Day gathering! Wish you all good health and happy family!

  7. Good to hear that you are on the mend. its a shame you have to ask for money to buy a present for him.

  8. Glad you are back to some form of normalcy. Tell Tim he should send me the $60 and see what I get, I mean him.

    1. What I got him cost me $70 but at least he gave me the $60 I needed

  9. Happy to hear that you're feeling better. Father's Day in the states is in June. :) I never got my husband Father's Day gifts because he's not my Father and he never got me Mother's Day gifts for me because I'm not his mother. :) - As far as having to ask him for money... I hope you at least have access to that cash in the event of an emergency. - Be well and enjoy Father's day. It sounds like a good time ahead. Happy Friday. :)

    1. I remember when I was younger that Tim said that I wasn't his mother so he didn't have to get me a Mother's Day present I said I am the mother of his children.


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....