Friday, 25 August 2017

Random Stuff No 2

Here is this weeks random stuff................................

That moment when you realise hubby and Leo have left and you're home alone.........................

How hard is it to say goodbye..............................

Damn it's cold..............................

Hanging photos at mum's and nearly falling off the step ladder.........................

Hot, cold, hot, cold damn this weather drives me nuts..............................

Even a crown prince needs ID to get into a club in Queensland......................

I type before I think, then I post and upset people, so I am normal...................

Feeling like a failure...........................

Some people miss the point.....................

Wanting a hot bath and a nap but not having the time to have either at the moment........................


  1. I know that feeling of being a failure but fight through it. You are not a failure- it's just a feeling. Feel it and let it go, girl!

    1. Thankfully I don't feel that way all the time those feelings come and go

  2. Dear Jo-Anne, like you, I fight against the feelings I have that seem negative. For months I've fought the feeling that I get nothing worthwhile done. But finally, I've been able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. That is to say, finally, I realize that I need to embrace what my life is now. I'm trying to like myself as this new person, unable to drive, walking in an imbalanced way, tired to the point of exhaustion daily. I keep saying the mantra "And all shall be well. And all shall be well. And all manner of things shall be exceeding well." It's what the anchorite Julian of Norwich said so many centuries ago. It helps me so. Peace.

    1. Tim sees the things I cannot do as me being lazy, well that is how he makes it seems, like he wants me to start going to a gym because he sees me as being lazy well that is how it seems to me he doesn't have arthritis or problems with his balance so he just doesn't get it and this is what has brought me down but I am bouncing back

  3. Hope you get that hot bath and nap. I don't know about you but I always feel better about myself when I'm happy, relaxed and comfortable.

    1. Yes a hot bath and a nap makes me feel better but didn't happen yesterday, no time for either

  4. You have too much friends and family who love you to be a failure.

  5. Sometimes we too go through lousy times and feel just like you felt. You are not a failure, no one is a failure. Don't allow the negative words of others to make you think or feel like a failure. Probably you are just too tired or tried too hard. You just need a good hot bath, good rest or sleep and you will wake up feeling better.

    1. Thank you for the nice words, I try not to let things get to me but at times they dod

  6. Wanting a hot bath and a nap ....... something that I would like to do now.

  7. With reference to your question on my post - Wet kitchen is where the sink is and place for washing and preparation and cooking of food. It can get messy and oily. The dry kitchen is for minimum washing or cooking in oven. The picture in the lift shows no fruit for only certain fruits e.g. durian which has very strong smell and mangosteen which has sap that will stain clothing.

    1. Thank you for explaining the difference between a wet and dry kitchen and the no fruit picture


Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

  First up there are two new posts over at my Random Stuff https://jamfn....