Thursday, 3 August 2017

Dad's Health

Well here I am at the end (kinda) of another day, I will soon be going into have a bath and get ready for bed, jammies are comfy, just saying...........

On Tuesday a ambo had to be rung for dad, he is now in hospital for a few days, he was coughing and throwing up a lot and I mean a lot and had a lot of trouble breathing, Sandy went over to the hospital to be with him on Tuesday as there was no way mum could have gone.

Now Tuesday afternoon/evening mum rang the hospital to see how he was as Sandra had to leave to get Temika from school and ya know she has two daughters to take care of. Anyway mum was told a doctor was with him and to ring back in half an hour, so she did and was told a different doctor was with him to ring back in half an hour, so she did and was told someone was with him and to ring back by this time mum was getting upset and asked if the nurse could tell her how he was, she said no sorry can't do that. In the end my brother David went over to the hospital to see how he was and report back to mum.

He wasn't good, he had managed to pull the cannula out of his hand and blood had gone everywhere, it was all over his bed, the floor and himself and he really wasn't well at all.

The doctors said he has the flu but because he has chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) it has effected him worse then the average person, he is hooked up to oxygen 24/7 at the moment and is having antibiotics via the drip. Dad is on antibiotics all the time because of his health problems.

Also all his hand and low part of his arm is black and blue and looks terrible due to the problems getting the cannula into his hand and then him pulling/knocking it out.

While visiting him yesterday mum was upset by a nurse saying they had asked dad what to do if he needs resuscitation, as in should they take steps to resuscitate him or let him die, mum doesn't want to think about such things. Dad said it would depend on if they think he can be resuscitated and go on to live a normal life, or if they think he would just end up in a nursing home drooling and wetting himself, as he doesn't want to live like that, which I get, I wouldn't want to either, who would.

Hospital is the best place for him.


  1. I hope your dad will get well soon and can be discharged from the hospital.

  2. Oh Jo-Anne. I really am going to add him to my prayer list. God bless him.

  3. I'm sorry about your dad. It's a rough time for him and the whole family, especially your mum.


  4. I'm so sorry to hear that your father is going through this. Praying that he feels better soon.

  5. Tough decisions. I hope he improves and gets back home.

    1. He is improving and should be home sometime this week

  6. I'm so sorry he's this sick but you're right, hospital is the place he needs to be.

  7. Dear Jo-Anne, I am sorry to learn that your dad is having such a hard time. And of course, your mother must be in agony. I hope all improves in the next few days and that he can come home soon. Peace.

    1. He is doing much better and should be home sometime this week

  8. Hi Jo-Anne ... hospitalisation of one's parents or near and dears is always so traumatic - I'm so glad he's home now - long may that last ... with thoughts for you and the family - Hilary


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