Monday 12 September 2016

The Last Post About Me, At Least For A While

As all know that I live in a suburb of Lake Macquarie in the state of New South Wales, which is on the east coast of Australia.

I was born at Western Suburbs Maternity hospital, as mentioned in the last post about me that we lived with my grandparents for a while before we moved to a Dept of housing place in Blacksmiths about 20 minutes from my grandparents mum and dad didn't really like living that far away from my grandparents and when I was

Education: Year 10 of high school, I left in 1979, in 1980 I did a secretarial course at Tafe but that was only because my best friend at the time thought about doing it and I went along with her and I got into the course and she didn't.

Siblings: Well I have 3 sisters and 1 brother all younger then me and as everyone should know we are all pretty close and see each other at least once a week

Hobbies: Reading, I love to read and I have a book in the car and I listen to an audio book while driving. I also love blogging as you all will know I like to read blog posts most days of the week usually around 30-40 blog posts a day but I do limit myself to only a couple of hours of blogging in the morning.

What I wanted to be when I grew up: A mother, yes that is what I wanted to do, I never had a job that I wanted to do all I knew was that I wanted to get married and have children and spend my time raising my children. This I achieved

Favourite Colour: Don't have one favourite colour, I like shades of purple and I like shades of pink and some shades of yellow so more then one colour.


  1. So nice for you to have lived what you dreamed you wanted. That is awesome! :) These are fun to read.

    1. Thank you I know I am lucky many do not get to lived the life the dreamed about

  2. That is a real blessing to do what you always wanted to do. I am sure a lot of people can't say that.

  3. Glad you are living the life you wanted to live! I kind of feel the same way about favourite colours ♥

    1. Yes it is good and there are so many pretty nice colours

  4. I have no problems with more posts about you...In the interests of fairness, I admit to being born at Parkview Hospital in my home base of Ft Wayne, Indiana, went to IU Ft Wayne where I wasted four years for not knowing what I wanted to be (still don't), 2 brothers, two sisters, tons of books and a beer cap collection, and blue blue blue.

    1. I was never smart enough for uni but that is ok don't need to be that smart to be a wife and mother and now grandmother blue is Natasha's favourtie colour

  5. Your family is so tightly knit. That's beautiful. I haven't seen any of my siblings in years. We live so far away from each other.


    1. Yes we are very tight knit my brother in-laws family say they are close knit but my sister says compared to our family they are not that close knit


Australian's Under Fire in PNG

  Ok it is time for some more about Australia under fire in 1942 starting off this week with Port Moresby, which is in the PNG or Papua New ...