Thursday, 8 September 2016

National Flag Day was a week ago, my bad

Does anyone know when the Australian National Flag Day is, no well it is  on the 3rd September, it commemorates the day in 1901 on which the Australian National Flag was first flown. On that day the Prime Minister Edmund Barton announced the winners of a competition to design a flag for Australia.

A large flag 5.5 by 11 metres was flown over the dome of the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne, it wasn't till the 28th August 1996 that the Governor-General of Australia, Sir William Dean issued a proclamation that officially established the 3rd of September as Australian National Flag Day, it is not a public holiday so most people do not even know we have a national flag day.

Many people would like to see our flag changed to something different, I am not one of them, I really don't see the point in changing the flag, some have said there should be a referendum like they had in New Zealand about changing the flag but since New Zealand voted on changing the flag and the vote decided to keep their flag as it is some now say if we had a vote they thing the majority would vote to keep the flag as is as well. 


  1. Jo-Anne I didn't know of remember we had a national flag day - then on the other hand I have seen in our travels Australian flags 'flying high' these past few weeks! I wondered why, now I know!
    Keep our flag the same..

    1. I think most people properly don't know there is a National Flag Day I know I didn't till I was researching flags a while back

  2. Well happy belated Flag Day! I think you guys have a very pretty flag. Very noble looking.

  3. I agree with you about "what's the point?" when countries decide to change their flags. Seems like a big waste of time. I think your flag is a perfectly fine flag.

    1. Thank you changing a flag is expensive there are better things to spend the countries money on like health and education

  4. I think changing a country's flag is a big waste of time and money. Plus I think the Australian flag is so pretty especially with the Union Jack on it. Happy Belated Flag Day!

    1. Yes it is a big waste of money, money that can be spent of health and education I like the flag how it is


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