Monday, 21 September 2015

Monday's dribble

Hello Monday, I woke at 6.30am and went to the toilet and wanted to go back to bed but even though I tried I was unable to go back to sleep so I got up and went for a walk. During the walk I developed a cramp in my right calf and all I could do was push on and keep walking, it has now been going 4 hours later and I still have a cramp in my right calf.

I am not sure if Blain is coming here for the night I will find out later in the day, I don't mind one way or another if he wants to come here that is ok but if he wants to go and stay at Jessica's that is also good with me.

Yesterday it rained all day and I was unable to go and do anything, I did, however, do three loads of washing which made me think about the days when people didn't have clothes driers. I think many of us take clothes driers for granted, I don't use mine very often I prefer to hang my clothes on the line and have them dried in the sunshine. My daughter Jessica, however, always uses her clothes drier I don't think she ever hangs her clothes on the line.

I spent the day home alone for the most part Jessica picked Leo up around 9.45am and Tim was at work so I was home alone and it was great I had a wonderful time doing nothing much caught up on some programmes I had recorded.

Oh yeah I mentioned on Saturday that Tim and I went out for lunch at the Eastern Tiger all you can eat restaurant and I will tell you we had a bloody great time, Tim who often doesn't eat much does when we go to the Eastern Tiger he like me has many small amounts of food. It is the only time I have pavlova and I do like pavlova but no one in the family makes it so the only time I have it is when we go out to eat.

It isn't even midday and I feel like going back to bed I am tired and I ache all over and have been coughing on and off and yes I have a headache as well which sucks, I hope I am not getting sick or anything like that.


  1. I hope you're not getting sick.
    We had clotheslines when I was a kid, but dryers came on the scene up in the cold country and you rarely see them anymore. When it is snowing or freezing half the year, a dryer is a wonderful thing. ;)

    1. I am wondering if I might be getting sick as I have no energy my mum uses her clothes dryer all the time as well because she is unable to raise her hands above her head to peg clothes on the line

  2. Have your tried a little salt on your tongue for cramp?
    My husband does get cramp and does what I said with salt, and the cramp goes.

  3. I love all you can eat, especially buffets! I woke up way to early too and, get this, got a charlie horse in the middle of the night. Strange huh?

    1. Yes buffets are awesome with so many dishes to chose from

  4. Glad you guys had a great time! ALONE!

  5. OoOoOo rain, we had about a week stretch of that a couple weeks ago. Bleh. Unfortunately I have to use our dryer too. I had a clothes line there briefly but was only allowed to hang my own laundry and my boys laundry on there. The husband man and daughter were like heck no. You're so lucky :))

    1. Yeah rain we need it but when we often get it, it sucks and we get pissed off because of how much we get

  6. I hope your'e not either. Let us know how you are tomorrow.


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