Saturday, 19 September 2015

It's the weekend

Hello Saturday, this morning I was up at 6.30am dressed and ready to go for my walk only to find it raining when I opened the back door, so I thought about going back to bed but decided against it and instead sat here are the computer and started reading blog post, only read about 40 different posts this morning, Kathy rang to see if it was ok for her and the girls to come over for a visit and of course I said it was.

So Kathy is here at the moment with Sydney-May and Summer who are busy playing with Leo, yes Leo was here last night as Blain was picked up from school by Kelli and is spending the weekend with his dad . He will, however, be back here Monday night and I may have him each night for the next 5 nights unless his other grandmother decides she wants to have him or if he decides he wants to go and stay at Jessica's one night. Leo is staying again tonight as Jessica said she has plans.

It was the last day of the school term yesterday, children are off for two weeks then back for the last term of the year. Sometimes the school term seems to go past in a flash and other times it seems to drag on.

Tim said last night he would like us to go out for lunch today as it is our wedding anniversary on Tuesday we will have been married 31 years, so I had to ask Jessica if she would come and stay with Leo while we go out as we are not taking him, he is not a big eater and it would be a waste of money as Tim wants to go to the all you can eat place in Cardiff......aka.....the Eastern Tiger.

Yesterday afternoon I stopped at the day care to give my sister something and Leo wanted to go in and say hi to the staff, this is the day care he attended my niece Denni goes there along with Landon and my great niece Hayley, it is the same day care that Temika went to as well and Sydney-May went there for a year also. All the staff remembered him and thought it was amazing how much he has grown and how well he is talking now when he was at day care he didn't say a lot and was not only shorter but a bit more chubbier, well the staff there thought he was I am not so sure about that.

At least Leo isn't as much of a computer hog as Blain is he likes to watch telly, and play with toys more then Blain does, although when Blain has his Xbox here he will have times when he is in the bedroom playing his Xbox but there are other days when he doesn't go near it.

Well I better post this and go and get changed to go to lunch, not going to wear what I have on as I am wearing house clothes.


  1. I enjoyed reading your day and certainly about Blain and Leo. It's fun to hear how they grow!!

  2. I agree with Katie, it's always fun to hear about your more then busy days. It gives me a sense of being part of it all and watching those kids grow as time passes. 😊

    1. That is nice I do like to do posts like this but at times I think I bore people with my everyday life

  3. Busy! Busy! Happy Anniversary!! :)

  4. Happy Anniversary---31 years is terrific!

    1. Thanks 31 and counting I can honestly say I am still in love with Tim even if he annoys the hell out of me at times

  5. Happy Wedding Anniversary to you both.....

    1. Thank you I am still in love with Tim he is a pain in the bum but he is my pain bum in the bum

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you, since we still both love each other and happy together there should be many more years to come

  7. You're busy as usual! I think it's nice that Tim wants to take you out for your anniversary. Hope you enjoy it.

  8. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Happy 31st anniversary to you both. Hope you enjoyed your lunch together.
    Sending you hugs,

  9. Happy anniversary! May the next 31 years be filled with all the things you need and want.

  10. Living in the states it's so weird to read posts from across the world, not only the time difference and all but the whole different seasons thing too!!


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