Tuesday, 22 September 2015

It's Tuesday

Good afternoon everyone, I wasn't sure if I would get around to writing a post today but here I am as you may have been able to tell the last few days I have not been up to doing anything special so all I am doing is writing about my daily life,not that my daily life is all that interesting but what the hell, it is what it is.

It has been raining a lot the last few days, I would have liked to have gone for a walk this morning but when I woke at 6.30am it was pissing down rain and there was thunder along with it so I went back to bed for an hour. However, after I got up it was still raining so no walk today and before I knew it Blain was being dropped off by his mum and thus the chance to go for a walk has now passed.

Due to the wet weather Tim has been taking the car to work in the morning and he was going to take the motor-bike in the afternoon like he did yesterday but instead today he took the car again this afternoon.

Tomorrow Blain is suppose to go to his aunty Jessica's house while his mum goes to a doctors appointment, but he doesn't want to go and is complaining but I feel that he will be find once he gets there so Natasha should drop him off as it is only for an hour or so.

Tomorrow I will be going to the nursing home to see my nan with mum and we are taking both Liarna and Temika with us, in fact Temika is super excited to be going to see great-nan. Sandra said she has been asking for the last couple of weeks when can she go and see great-nan at the nursing home.

For some reason I have been feeling so tired, worn out without any energy which is why I went back to bed after my alarm went off and I got up and went to the toilet and realised it was pissing down rain. Since getting up I have really not felt like doing much of anything, although I did go and do some shopping for Jessica and took it to her, why well because she said she didn't have fuel to do and do it but I think it may have more to do with the fact that she doesn't like to take Leo shopping with her.

I wonder if I am getting sick with something maybe just a bug of some sort, I guess I will find out in the next couple of days. 


  1. Let's hope you don't get a bug. We haven't had any rain since I've been home and a frost predicted for the morning meaning a sinny fine day...
    Take care..

    1. Yeah I hope so too although in some ways I feel a bit better today in some ways I don't still have little energy

  2. I see you're no better really...worrisome.

  3. I'm feeling down today as well, must be a Tuesday thing. The weather is really grey here today. Good stiff drink would do me some good I think, it's too bad I quit drinking :) -Hang in there

    1. I don't drink much if I did a stiff drink would not be on the cards I like my drinks pretty weak

  4. I've been feeling exhausted lately too. Everyone's allergies have been acting up around here so maybe it's that... Or aliens.



  5. Sounds like I have felt on these damnable new meds. Sharp as a tack, but not a hammer in sight.

  6. I certainly hope you're not getting sick. I know that when it's rainy and gloomy out it often makes my mood gloomy and I don't feel like doing anything. Hope that's all it is for you too.

    1. Yes wet dark days do zap me of energy so hopefully that is all the last coupled of days has been caused by

  7. I sometimes feel very off like that before I get sick. Maybe it is the gloomy, rainy days, though. Hope you get some sunshine soon. :)

  8. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Let's hope that you're not getting sick... That's the least we all want.


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