Monday, 14 September 2015

Kathy-Lee's 30 what the hell


Last Thursday my eldest daughter.......aka..........our precious daughter..........aka...........Kathy-Lee turned 30, what the hell how did that happen, how did I become the mother of a 30 year old.

Anyway I had a party for Kathy-Lee yesterday, there was about 16 people here from both sides of her family, as in her side and her partner Michael's side, as I invited his parents and brother and sister in-law, his brother couldn't attend as he is away working.

Michael had gone away camping but it was only 45 minutes away and after Natasha told him off and his parents said something to him he decided he would come back from camping to attend and the whole thing was a surprise for Kathy.

Although she did say at one point she had wondered why I had made so much food and why dad (Tim) had cleaned the lounge room, and by clean I mean he took everything and dumped it in either the spare room or his room/office.

Everyone seemed to have a good time and of course there was plenty of food, as I was up at 6.30am I went for a walk and bought bread and shredded ham they didn't have diced bacon and after returning home I made a potato bake and a chicken and bacon pasta bake along with home made fried rice, snags and of course bacon.

There of course was cake this cake in fact and it tasted pretty good I bought it from a local supermarket that does cakes so it was both nice and affordable.

I also managed to do 3 loads of washing and change the sheets on the bed, vacuum the house twice, watched 2 children and go for my morning walk. After everyone had left and I was getting sheets to remake the bed, time says you look as bugga as I feel, I look at him and asked him what have you done all day, he said he cleaned the lounge-room and I asked him what have I done all day, he smiles and said everything else.

By then end of the day I was exhausted and I did manage to drink ¾ of a bottle of wine.


  1. Happy belated birthday to your daughter! I am just as shocked to have a 40 year old son--LOL! Looks like it was a good party! :)

    1. Yeah one moment we are the parents of a baby and the next we are parents of middle aged people thankfully I am not there yet but I bet it will happen too damn fast

  2. Happy 30th birthday to your wonderful eldest daughter Kathy-Lee. That cake is a hoot, Jo-Anne!

    1. Yeah the cake got a few giggles "what the hell" is something I say a lot lately

  3. I know that shock of having a child in their 30's. I was even MORE shocked when my eldest turned 40! GASP! Happy Birthday to Kathy Lee and I would love to have partaken of that birthday feast.

  4. Sounds like a nice birthday party you gave your daughter...years just do fly by!

  5. Such fantastic pictures. I can relate to how you feel. My son moved out yesterday to begin his military career. Yikes! Where did the time go?

  6. Tell me about it. My sister's daughter just turned 31 and HER son will be three soon.
    No WONDER I look like the Cryptkeeper.
    On the bright side, MY kids are both old enough to buy their own booze.
    Still...where did my youth go?

    1. I know what you are talking about none of my girls drink mum so when they buy their own grog it isn't much and it isn't often

  7. I KNOW why you are now the Mom of a thirty year old. Radiation you pick up from your trips to New Zealand. It is a diabolical plan on their part to age the Australian population so they can take over the continent! BWA-HA-HA!!

  8. Yeah there are a lot of Kiwi's here in this country why because it is a bloody great country


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