Thursday, 2 July 2015

Things my mum has taught me......................will it matter

I am going to do a number of posts about things that my mum has taught me, or things she has always said that I agree with.

On of those things is that she has already said will it matter in the long run, as a young women I didn't get it but the older I have got the more I get it and now I usually think to myself does it really matter. Will it matter a year from now, or hell will it matter tomorrow so often the answer is no.

Of course that doesn't mean I don't get upset or angry over things that matter in the here and now that is normal, but how upset or mad I get depends on how important it will be tomorrow. I also think to myself a lot that “it's done” so why bother getting so out of shape about it. Usually we can't undo things, if it can be undone the do so if it can't accept it has been done and try and work around it.

It is like going off your head because your child has flooded the bathroom floor when they had a bath or shower, it's done all you can do is clean up the mess have a chat with your child and explain why it was wrong, if the child is old enough get them to clean up the mess that will help them understand why it was wrong, it is a big mess to clean up.

Going off your brain about it is not going to make the mess not be there and will achieve nothing expect making the child cry and giving yourself a headache.

How are you at letting things go?
Do you replay over and over things that have upset you or made you mad?


  1. That is such a great way of thinking and it is so true. As I say, Water over the bridge, just let it go. But I have to admit, sometimes it is hard to do that but much better to do it.Have a great day.

    1. Yes it is and it is sad that there are some people who can't just let it go

  2. I don't look back at all, what is done is done, what's meant to be will be...get over it and move on...that's what I do.

    1. Yes whats done is done so just move on but there are some people who can't do just that

  3. That is grat advice. I nearly broke down last year because I couldn't let anything go. I collected little problems, and found myself buried. I wish you'd have been there to boot me in the bum then!

    1. It isn't easy to do but we do feel better if we let things go

  4. Most of the time I am pretty good at letting things go--and better at it now than when I was younger. :) It's excellent advice!!

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Indeed, the very best is to let go and move on!

  6. Isn't funny how we remember the lessons we were taught long ago and how we hold on to things that really aren't important in the scheme of life. Letting go is hard, but when we can and when we do it is very freeing. 😊

    1. Yes it is a wonderful feeling when we can let go and move on

  7. I absolutely do. For instance, I still go over my first marriage, saying, "What the hell was wrong with you, Al?"

    1. Oh no that isn't a good thing.........stop it now...........


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