Monday, 20 July 2015

Hello Monday..............I wish it was still Sunday

Well it is now Monday and of course the weekend flew past in rush as per usual, Monday is suppose to be a quiet day, I don't go out or do anything much during the day.

That hasn't been the case though, as at 8.45am this morning Natasha rings me to ask if I would take Leo to school so I had to quickly change my shoes and leave to go get him. Then when I get to Natasha's house she asks me to take back the new shoes she bought for Blain yesterday and exchange them for a larger size.

So I take Leo to school, pay for his excursion and then head out to Glendale to exchange the shoes only to find out that Kmart at Glendale doesn't have his size, so had them ring Kotara and ask if that store has them, they did so I have to go to Kmart at Kotara to get his shoes. The shoes he needs for tomorrows performance for his dance festival.

So since getting home I read some blogs and had lunch and now I am writing this, it is another cold day here was a bit wet here this morning and in an hour or so I will have to go and get Blain and Leo from school.

Oh yeah I am sneezing and my nose is dripping and it is driving me bloody batty. As mentioned Blain has a dance festival performance tomorrow night in town at Newcastle Panthers club I wonder why on earth they have to have these things at night in the middle of winter and a good 20-25 minutes from home.

Naturally it will be me and Tim who will be taking Blain as Natasha will be at work she would love to be able to take him but of course she can't. So this week I am expecting to have Blain all week and Leo on Saturday night.

Well that is all from me for this post, be happy, enjoy life and if it is cold there stay warm if it's hot stay cool. 


  1. Keep warm...hope you are not getting a cold..

  2. Your kids would be lost without you! You're so good to them. Hope you're feeling ok. Enjoy the recital.

    1. I hope it isn't too cold in at the club and thank you I wonder how the kids will cope while we are in New Zealand

  3. What Barb said. At least you don't get the 5-6 inches of snow to add to the story like I do, though...

    1. If it snowed here it would make the news as it doesn't snow in my little part of the world ever

  4. How about, Hello July....I wish it was June. Sigh. I agree with Barb on this one!

  5. I actually prefer Monday evening to Sunday evening. On Sunday, I have Monday morning hanging over me. On Monday, I have the promise of Friday (or Thursday, in my case. We're working ten hours Monday-Thursday so we can get Fridays off this summer).

    1. At least you get a day off, I often feel that in order to get a day off I have to leave the state or country...........

  6. Today it was 99 degrees at 4 pm with a heat index of 104. I think I'd like to trade with you for a few days...not the runny nose, but the cool weather :)

    1. Yeah who would want my running nose and have to say today it is cold inside because Tim doesn't like me having the heater on during the day so I am bloody cold


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