Saturday, 7 February 2015

Hey Hey it's Saturday...................Pantyhose

Hey hey it's Saturday and what am I going to talk about today on this lovely not to hot nor to cold Saturday well I will tell you I am going to talk about stockings/pantyhose and yes I am sure I have mentioned in the past that I wear them but today I will tell you a little more about why I wear them and why I think some other women should wear them.

Yesterday while out shopping I was dressed in a nice dress with pantyhose and sandals and while I was rushing to the toilet I heard a couple of teenage girls say “why do people wear stockings” if I had not been in such a hurry I would have stopped and told them why I wear them, but as I said I was in a hurry and couldn't so now I am going to tell you.

I started wearing them in my 20's up until then I always wore thong sandals but in my 20's I wanted to wear other sandals and found I was unable to do so due to how much my feet sweet not just in summer but all year round. I had to have some kind of foot cover and back then you couldn't get footlets that just cover the foot.

I also started to have trouble with my thighs rubbing together and I was only a size 12 so found pantyhose very good they stopped my thighs chaffing and my feet blistering. As I got older I took to wearing shots under my skirt or dress over my pantyhose as my fat thighs would rub together I was not so fat but my thighs a different matter but that is for a different post.

Now that I am in my 50's I find my legs look better in pantyhose, I don't have the nicest looking legs, granted they are not that bad but like most women my age I have knees that look old. Only last week while out shopping I noticed a few women in short dresses/skirts with bare legs that looked terrible. They had old looking legs and I thought they would look so much more attractive in a pair of long pants or with pantyhose on to cover their legs. Now don't get me wrong if a woman is happy with her legs and doesn't mind having bare legs then that is all good but I know I myself feel better when I look in the mirror and see nice looking legs.

Of course I do not wear pantyhose with shorts that is just not a good look although 10 years from now I may feel different but I really doubt

I remember when Blain was a baby his other grandmother (fathers mum) told me I shouldn't be wearing stockings with sandals as it was not the done thing, I told her well for me it is a necessary. Also for many years I was unable to buy sandal thongs they were not common, like they are now in summer I usually wear them and such I do not wear pantyhose but if I am wearing a short dress or skirt with normal sandals I will wear pantyhose.

I also wear knee high stockings a lot and ankle high ones under long pants or skirts for me it is a necessity if you can see my knees then I am going to have them covered with a pair of pantyhose. So if you see a woman wearing them you shouldn't judge her since you do not know what the reason behind her wearing them is, yes it maybe a fashion statement but it also may be a necessity. Oh yeah I also only wear black pantyhose and knee highs 

So what is your take on them?


  1. I have't wore stockings in nearly two decades, but I usually wear long pants or capri pants.

    1. I also love capri pants and in winter like long pants

  2. I find that I wear sheer black or nude knee highs most of the time. Mostly because I wear dress pants and flats not skirts or dresses. Other then that is socks and running shoes. :)

  3. I'm not real crazy about pantyhose, but I do think it looks better with a nice dress, and I always go for the sheer black---it's the most flattering.

    1. Yes with a nice short dress they look good, and I prefer black over tan or nude

  4. Good on you for wearing what you think looks nice and is comfortable for you, Jo-Anne.
    I sometimes where thick black stocking in the dead of winter if wearing a skirt to just below the knee. I get blister is I wear stockings on my heels and have been known to wear long skirts and saddles in winter. I'm not good with shoes as I get so many blisters. However, I have lots of stockings and pantyhose just taking up space in the drawer, but I won't dispose of them, just in case.

    1. Yes I understand about blisters which is why when it is bloody hot I prefer thongs of some type so my feet can breathe

  5. I say whatever makes you feel right and comfortable. Good for you!!!

  6. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Yes, you are absolutely right. In shorts and for casual dressing, I am fine without pantyhose but otherwise it makes all the difference in the world. Knees do wrinkle and it shows our true age. Each decade more so and that's fine as long as we are aware of it.

    1. I know many women are fine with their legs I am for the most part but there are times when I am not

  7. Replies
    1. Egyptian feet are cool re-reading the post about feet made me think of my feet and my sisters feet I think we all have Egyptian feet

  8. Stockings win out over pantyhose evertime. Stockings feel and look so good. Ever experience the wind blowing under your skirt over your stockings I nearly cumm in my panties. I work in a office in total there are 6 women who work in my dept. I am the only women who wears a skirt or dress and stockings with a nice high heel shoe. The others allways wear pants. I allways get the men flocking to me when they see a proper women dressed in a skirt or dress and stockings showing my legs off in a high heel shoe. I am 50 and stockings are an essential piece in my wardrobe. I love the power I have over men when they see a proper women in a skirt or dress and stockings.


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