Saturday, 28 February 2015

Hey Hey its Saturday

Hey hey it's Saturday, and what a lazy Saturday I am having, I have done nothing much all day after sleeping in till 8.30am I got up checked emails, read some blogs and watched some telly so as I said nothing much happening.

How about everyone else, what have you all been up to?

It's another hot day here in Newcastle, I have recently turned the air conditioner on and you know what else my nose is going from blocked to running and it is driving me crazy, I have taken a couple of cold tablets which I hope will help soon.

Tim is at work so I am home alone, Jessica had asked me to go with her to drop Leo off, he has gone to a birthday party today for a school friend but when she didn't turn up I rang her and she changed her mind and had Tasha go with her instead.

Speaking of Jessica and Tasha they are spending a lot of time together this year, as Tasha is helping with Leo, spending time helping him do his homework and have to say there has been a big change in Leo he has come alone so much since she started working with him. However, Leo and Blain are spending too much time together some weeks and Blain really needs the weekend to have a break from Leo. When they are together they can be great but after a while they start to fight like brothers and that drives Tasha crazy.

I think I might have to have a nap this afternoon as all the tablets I have taken this morning are making me so tired and I need to take something for the headache I know have. 


  1. Hi Jo-Anne! Hope that you are feeling better soon! I am jealous that you may have to turn the air conditioning on! I woke up this morning to 5 degrees! WE have a jammed packed Saturday driving the kids to their activities and volunteering at their school! I love the weekends, and I hope that your is a great one! :-)
    Cathy @ three kids and a fish

    1. Yes Saturday was a nice lazy day and I needed it that way as I really felt like shit most of the day

  2. You deserve a lazy day. You are one of the hardest working people I know.


    1. Thank you lazy days are good when one feels like shit

  3. Just got up from my nap, about to go delving into 1964 for next weeks Time Machine...


Woman's work in war times

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