Saturday 10 January 2015

HEY HEY IT'S SATURDAY......Plucka Duck

Now this week I am going to tell you a little bit about the different segments that were on the show, there was Red Faces, Chook Loto, Pluck a Duck, Molly's Melodrama to name a few.

Red Faces was segment when people would come on and preform and usually make us laugh and sometimes embarrass themselves and there would be three judges to give the scores these included Red Symons along with two of the shows guests for the week. There was also a large gong which Red would hit when he had, had enough of the performance.

Normally contestants would be gonged by Red Symons well before they finished their performance. Each contestant was then given a score out of 10 by each of the judges. For most acts, Red, always the last to give his score, would usually give his trademark score of 2 along with a pithy and acidic comment. Other times he would give high scores when the performance really was particularly good (or poor!)—on several occasions he declared a performance the winning one, even if the others hadn't been done yet. The winning contestant received a $500 cash prize, second received $250 and third received $100.

During the second reunion show, the "Red Faces" segment featured a tribute act to the Jackson 5 called "the Jackson Jive", consisting of a Michael Jackson impersonator and five backup dancers in blackface, Harry Connick, Jr., guest-judge for the segment, was offended and left the stage. Somers later apologised to Connick on-camera. Connick said that if you'd done this (offensive) bit where he came from, the show would be called 'Hey Hey, We've been Cancelled'. This incident was mentioned in several publications in the United States and the UK, including New York Magazine and

I remember the act and I thought it was funny and though Harry Connick Jr had stick up his bum and no sense of humour.

A longstanding segment was "Chook Lotto" it involved a large barrel of numbered frozen chickens, or "chooks", and was a parody of Tattslotto, one of the National Lottery Draws of Australia. This segment ran from 1984, was rested in 1985, then returned in 1986 and went till the end of 1988. Daryl and Jackie McDonald would draw out 4 chickens numbered from 10 to 19. The home viewer would send in their entry and have to circle one of those numbers as a "Super 69" number. Then another cast member would enter the numbers into a computer (Originally an Atari 800XL, later an Olivetti Model) and whoever had those numbers would be the winner. Then Daryl would return to the desk and use the Super 69 number on ten paper eggs which had the same numbers as the chickens drawn out. Each of them held a prize. The main prize was a car from Ken Morgan Toyota or if the prize card had stars on it they would win every prize inside the other eggs.

This segment was eventually replaced by Plucka Duck (Pluck-a-duck), however returned in the 2010 revival of the show, with viewers invited to go to the shows website and select 4 numbers as well as a supplementary number. Due to gambling laws in Australia, when "Hey Hey" was revived in 2009, the game was called "Fake Chook Lotto", and contestants played for no prize whatsoever, however, real prizes were offered in 2010.
The chickens were provided by Inghams, and all 210 finalists would receive a voucher for a free chicken.
Next week I will talk about Plucka Duck,just so you know


  1. Now that's funny. I've never heard of a show like that.

    1. It was the only thing like it on air at the time and in fact since

  2. This made me laugh. it reminded me of some of the shows we used to watch as kids. :-)))

    1. It could be funny although I could take or leave the show

  3. We had The Gong Show in the US where contests did talent acts and they could gong them--and usually did.

  4. I was just thinking it reminded me of the Gong Show here too! Funny! Did you know that you are no-reply blogger?

    1. Yes I know I am a no-reply blogger I have tried and tried to change it without any luck it says it gets changed but still I end up being no-reply which is very annoying

  5. Thanks for the run down! This sounds like a combination of everything silly we ever watched. I just wonder if Connick was really offended or just felt like he "had to be" for PC purposes. People need to take the chip off their shoulders and enjoy stuff for what it actually is instead of watching for any little perceived insult.

    I can just hear him saying to me, "Well, how would you feel if..." And the answer is I wouldn't give one good whit.

    1. I know when it happened many people what his problem was he was taking it way to seriously and why that was I have no idea



  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...