Sunday 11 January 2015

A Death in the Family

For a while now I have felt like I need a break away just a night or two away from everyday life, and now it looks like I may indeed get away at the end of the week, however, not for a good reason. I have asked my parents if I can go with them to Port Macquarie at the end of the week, we will be going to attend a funeral my great-aunt Nita passed away.

Aunty Nita is my nanna's younger sister by a year so she would be 92, when I was a child my parents would pack us all up on Boxing Day and we drive to Aunty Nita's place for a couple of weeks holiday so I have a lot of memories as a child being at Aunty Nita's house.

I was also named after Aunty Nita, my middle name is Nita. Anyway with the passing of Aunty Nita nanna is the last of her siblings left alive. My sisters Sue and Sandra have both also said they would like to go to the funeral with mum and dad, so dad told mum that the two of them would have to fight it out between themselves as to who goes with them and me, interesting dad didn't say I had to fight it out.

However, even though Sandra would like to attend the funeral in reality she has two young children Temika & Denni and who would look after them if she went to the funeral so really I expect it will be me and Sue who will be going with mum and dad.

Aunty Nita has three children, Peter, Colleen and Lynn and it was Peter who rang mum last night to tell her about Aunty Nita's passing.  


  1. Sorry to hear of your loss Jo-Anne. Sad time but seems you have wonderful memories.

    1. Yes it is sad my mum cried a bit when she heard the news

  2. Sorry to hear this loss, Jo. Hope everything will be alright soon.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear your news. Sounds like Nita was a lovely person and lived a full life. While a funeral is never looked at lightly, the time away with your folks and seeing relatives might just be a nice break for YOU!

  4. I am very sorry for your family's loss, dear Jo-Anne. Nita is a lovely name, one that I haven't heard very often. I know there will be tears shed at the funeral service for Aunty Nita but it will also be a celebration of her long life and an opportunity for everyone in attendance to share fond memories. Bless you all.

    1. Thank you, yes it will be a sad time but I want to be there for my mum

  5. I am so very sorry for your loss! HUGS!!

  6. I echo the sentiments of everyone else... hugs to you and yours.

  7. I am so sorry to hear the loss of your aunt.

  8. I'm so sorry about your loss! It seems we are at the age where we see a lot of death.

    1. Yes I expect to attend more funerals the older I get



  Well, here we are at another Monday and time to look at another wild dog, this week it is the Australian Dingo. Dingoes have a lifespan ...