Wednesday, 16 May 2012

What Type Of Dog is DC & A Bit About My Nan & Little Leo

On the 4th April 2004 we got DC he was 10 weeks old when we got him, he was sold to us through a pet store and when we bought him we where told he was a mini foxy but he doesn't look like a mini foxy to me so I wonder does anyone have an idea what breed of dog he is..........

This morning when I woke up I see Tim laying in bed with me and I looked at the clock and it's 7.20am so I asked him why he wasn't at work, now it was only because I was still more asleep then awake that I forgot he wasn't going to work today.............instead he has gone to Sydney as his step father Clive's ashes are being buried with Betty (Tim's mum) today at 11am.

The last couple of nights it has been really cold here so yesterday I dug out a blanket and washed it reading to go on the bed today, whenever I get off my bum and do it although some times I do these things just before I go to

Also cold during the day, cold enough for me to be wearing socks and shoes, speaking of socks and shoes Little Leo was sent to day care without either socks or shoes...........why because I had no shoes here for him but I did have socks. I don't think it matters in the warmer months if he doesn't wear shoes to day care but would rather him have shoes on during these cold days.......

Went to see nan this morning she was up dressed and in a wheel chair instead of a princess chair, we prefer it when they put her in a princess chair and really don't understand why they put her in a wheel chair..........she often slumps to the side when she is in a wheel chair.........

When we see nan we always apply some moisturiser and powder foundation along with lipstick but first we use plumping lip conditioner from Avon and it makes a big differece to her lips.


  1. I can understand the coldness as it keeps changing here too, you dress for winter and its like summer so you have to take layers off, the minute you dress for summer its cold again... wish it would make its mind up. I can't sleep if its cold on a night though

  2. It does my heart good to see how much you all still take care of your Nan. I wish all the alderly had family like you all~

  3. I'm not sure what kind of dog that is. lol He's darling though. Have you asked them to keep Nan in her princess chair? If so I'd pitch a fit!

  4. My husband is really good at figuring out the breed of a dog. I'll show him when he gets home tonight...

  5. i love hearing how you all still take care of your Nan. I wish all the alderly had family like you

  6. Bubbles........Yes I so know what you mean during the cold months I like to put the heater on before I get dressed if I am going out otherwise I will end up over dressing because I am cold and then I get to the shops and when I walk into the centre I am hot becuase they have the heat turned up.......

    Shelly.....I know so many elderly people don't get any visitors and my nan has visitors every week mum and I go once or twice a week and my uncle goes once or twice a week on different days to us and his wife pops in most mornings to help feed nan breakfast

    Madeleine....Yeah DC is cute in fact DC stands for Damn

    Melynda......Yes we have asked that nan only be put in a princess chair but sometimes they will put her in a wheel chair and someone has to remind them that she needs to be in the pricess chair it is more comfortable for her.......

    Elsie.....I think DC is a in a bit of this and a bit of

    Becca.....Thank you I know nan is lucky to have family who still love her and want to visit her, even if she doesn't often seem to know who we are........she is nan and we love her.......

  7. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    Oh, I don't know about the bleed. But DC looks really lovely♡♡♡
    I admire you taking care of your non. Thank you for letting me know about the difference wheelchair. I think I'll check it with pc. I might need to know it because my father will be using in the future.
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  8. Miyako......Yes the princess chair is a lot better when they can't sit up on their own well anymore which is the problem with nan when is a wheel chair she will slump to the side which is why we prefer nan in the princess chair.......Yes DC is cute and adorable


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