Sunday, 1 May 2011

A Lazy Sunday Arvo

I love lazy afternoons and today has been one of those lovely lazy Sunday arvo sitting in front of the computer blogging and facebooking and doing pretty much nothing else......I do go outside a take a short video of Little Leo riding his bike with the help of papa and then of him sitting on papas bike...........

Now the little one is feeling sick he has a temp of 39 celsius so stuck him in a cool bath and gave him some medince to bring his tempature down and he is now laying in his mums bed and she has come home to look after him..........she told be last night she is tired of feeling more like his baby sitter and not his mother. This is because why she is here I do so much for him and in one way she hates that while at the same time she loves it............

I have had a couple of Southos and Coke so feeling pretty good at the moment but that is all I wll have as I do not like to drink much.


  1. hope the little one's all better! love those lazy days (maybe too much! lol)

  2. Hi Mynx & Tim

    Little Leo is feeling much better today, and after a lazy Sunday I have a busy Monday looking after Sydney-May aka Smiley..........

  3. Lazy days are good anyday of the week!!! Glad he's feeling better. I know I've said this before but your daughter is so lucky to have you.

  4. So true Barb I often may have either a lazy morning or afternoon mostly afternoons as I am one of those people who likes to get things done in the morning so I can just relax in the the afternoon


Iraq National Anthem

  This week we are looking at Iraq’ national anthem it is titled Mawtini which in English mean My Homeland, it is a poem written by the Pale...