Saturday, 30 April 2011

A Name Change

I have decided it is time for a name change so this blog will now be know as Jo-Anne's Ramblings there has been no real reason for the change I just feel like doing something different and thought this blog is more about me rambling on about myself and my family.

So I have changed the name and hope it suits the blog a little more the the other name although I am a mother and nana and love being so I am starting to realise I am so much more then just that and I need the name of the this blog to reflect that. When I thought about what the new name should be I thought to myself.......Jo-Anne you do ramble on a bit often about nothing and you do get side tracked when writing comments so decided that Jo-Anne's Ramblings would be the new name.


  1. LOVE it, a new name and a fresh start. i think it's brilliant, can't wait to see where it goes! xoxoxoxoxo

  2. Love your new look blog. I'm sorry I haven't been over lately but I just caught up reading your last posts. Your ramblings gave me a giggle. Keep up the good work. I hope you find a solution to the munchies. Have you tried a glass of water instead. Boring I know but it fills you up.

  3. I think it's a great change because you are much more than just Mom and Nana. So much more!

  4. Hi Tim

    Thanks I think I will be doing a lot more rambling in future.

    Hi Diane

    New post tomorrow about what I am doing to try and stop eating so much, sometimes it isn't easy to find the time to blog surf.

    Hi Barb

    For a long time I thought it was all I was a mother and grandmother but at last I know I am so much more.

  5. The new look and name are awesome. Blogging is so much a process of self discovery

  6. Hi Mynx

    It sure is and in the years I have been doing it I have notice how I have changed........


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