Sunday, 24 April 2011

Easter Sunday

Chocolate and chocolate and more chocolate I think there is enough chocolate in this house to last a week but someone how I think it may only last a few days.........

Little Leo loved hunting for his eggs this morning and each time he found an egg he got excited and wanted to opes up but his mummy said no you can only open some and when you have eaten what is opened then you can unwrap some more....
I also got some yummy Lindt bunnies from my precious daughter including a stuffed one I love stuffed toys and if I had my way would have them all over the house but alsa I do not as it would piss hubby off.
Now I know the chocolate I have will take me a while to get through as I do not eat a lot of chocolate but I do enjoy the ones I do have, which is why I like to have good quality chocolate over cheap chocolate.


  1. I'm craving a Reese's Peanut Butter Egg right now! Yummy.

  2. I have never heard of that type of egg but sounds nice

  3. Love your new profile picture. I'm glad you had a fun day. It must be exciting watching your grand children hunt for eggs. Lindt are our favourite too.

  4. Thank you for popping over and for your charming comment. Much appreciated!

    Enjoy your delicious Lindt Easter chocolate treats. They are also my favourite but I daren't have them in the house as, unlike you, I can't spread them out!

    Glad to know you had a lovely weekend surrounded by your precious children and grandchildren!

  5. Hi Diane

    Thanks the photo is one we had done last December. I think Lindt chocolates are so yummy but children seem to young to enjoy

    Hi Desiree

    Thanks for commenting I am a lucky women as I get to see my girls and grandchildren all the time. We are suprised that Leo hasn't eaten much of his chocolate.


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