Friday, 20 May 2011

David Strassman

Last Sunday night I went out with my special girl aka Jessica we went to see David Strassman for those of you who do not know who he is well he is a ventriloquist and I think he is great it was the best Mother's Day present I have been given from my girls.

While we went out we left Little Leo with his papa aka Tim my darling husband now I was worried about how Tim would cope and if he would be able to stay sober and awake.
As it turned out my concerns where just kind of when we got home he was in his armchair playing with Leo but when I went into the bedroom it looked a right mess the same with the bathroom and the kitchen. When I talked to him about it the following day he said he didn't remember anything of the night before after Jessica and I left.

While at the show Jessica bought me a little Ted E Bear that talks and I love it but had to hid it from Leo as he wants to play with it all the time and it is nana's and he can not play with it.


  1. I love the name "Ted E Bear" heehee

    A very dear Australian friend sent me a wombat [yes, a wombat] stuffed animal and my dogs are forever trying to eat it. They think it is theirs.

    I have to keep "Wilma" up pretty high because she would be shreds in a second.

  2. glad you had fun! the bear is cute cute cute!

  3. Glad you have a good time out. You have to get out on your own once in awhile. Girls night is always fun! Ted E. Bear! So cute.

  4. What a nice Mother's Day present. I am glad you were able to have such a nice night out with your daughter Jessica.

  5. so cute - love the name; i used to collect teddies.

    i would "follow" your blog but i can't find the follow button. is it hidden or am i just blind? {grin}

  6. Love that little teddy bear, and you are right, you must keep it hidden, because the little ones will have it!!! I talk from experience here. Have a lovely weekend over there.

  7. Sounds likes it was a good night out and that is such a lovely gift to remember the evening by.

    Have you received your envie from me?

  8. Hi Skippy

    Thankfully my dogs do not touch the stuffed toys my grandkids leave around the yard.

    Hi Tim, Barb & Jen

    It was a great Mother's Day present and I am lucky to have such a great daughter. Oh and Ted is very cute.

    Hi Teresa

    Not sure where the follow button is I thought it was on the top left hand side but I could be wrong.

    Hi Thisisme

    Yeah children do not understand that parents want to have some toys for themselves.

    Hi Bubbles

    I haven't reieved anything from you yet but haven't checked the P O Box in a few days so could be Yeah I am slack.....


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