Sunday, 2 February 2025

Week 5 of 2025



I had a sleep in, I got up at 4.45 to pee and due to how tired I felt I decided to take my tablets and when the alarm went off at 5am I turned it off and stayed in bed till 5.30.

It is a cool morning with a temp of 17 degrees, my BGL was 5.5

Sue has been feeling sad today as it would also be Mick’s birthday, and it has made her sad.

I gave Tim the folder with the messages I asked people to write to him for his birthday, he has read through it and seems happy with it a bit surprised so many wrote something.

It has been a hot day reached a top of 29 degrees.

Kathy and the girls came over to see Tim and they gave him three small garden gnomes which he has placed around his garden out the back.

Here we are at another Monday, and it’s supposed to be a hot one, it is currently 23 degrees, and we are looking at a top temp of 32 degrees.0

Tim took Sam for a driving lesson they were gone a couple of hours.

By 2pm it was 33 degrees and by 4pm I was starting to feel unwell due to the heat. I have a headache and a runny nose and generally feel not so good.

It is 11.30pm and I just woke up drenched in sweat, Tim had turned the air con off when he came to bed. I won’t turn it back on, but I will use the fan in it and see how that goes.


Well, it’s Tuesday and we are in for a scorcher, it is currently 25C and we are looking at a top of 38C. My BGL was 4.8

Sue took me to have my hearing checked only to find out there were not opened. I had to reschedule I now go on the 13 Feb.

The temp reached 40C

Tasha’s boarder and friend’s dog was accidently locked outside by Tasha and got sunstroke and had a seizure. Tasha felt so bad she rushed the dog to the vets, that cost $2,500 and she asked Tim if he would loan her $1,600 and he said no.

We had a storm around 7pm but it wasn’t much of a storm and didn’t last long

Steps: 8,480

Here we are at another Wednesday, and it is much cooler then yesterday, it is currently 21C and we are looking at a top temp of only 24C. My BGL was 5.1

Kathy dropped the girls of around 8.45am, Tim is now working this afternoon.

Sue came over around 9.30am and I was able to give her the dress I bought her as well as the top, she really liked the dress, and it looked so nice on her.

Around 1pm Dawson turned up he was here till around 2.30pm, he said he might be back tomorrow to talk to Tim about getting help finding another car.

I have had a rough day my body has been moving a lot all damn day and I am truly exhausted.

Steps: 4,843

Well, it’s Thursday again and thankfully it is going to be another cool day, it is currently 20C with a top of 26C. My BGL was 5.1

It has been a horrible day weather wise, very humid and I don’t like that.

Sandy dropped in to see me she told me she was able to reject the house she was offered in Windale, due to its location.  It was too close to Michelle, and it is a known drug area.

Sandy had emailed the case worker for Landon & Skylar as well as other people with her concerns with the location and it was because of those people she was able to reject the house as they were the ones to contact housing saying the house wasn’t acceptable.

Dawson came over this afternoon to have a chat with Tim about Tim help him find another car.

Tim picked up our new car, it is a Mazda 6, silver in colour and a station wagon.

Steps: 8,140

It is Saturday and the first day of February, I had a 50-minute sleep in as when I got up at 5am I still felt tired so went back to bed setting the timer on my phoned for an hour but after only 50-minutes I felt awake, so I got up.

It is currently 21C and we are looking at a top temp of 27C, with the humidity being 90%

Tim has gone out for the day to his work’s Christmas party, yeah in February, he will be gone all day.

Sandy walked over to see me; she had Skylar with her, she told me that Dave’s car isn’t running and will need to be towed.

Tim got home around 5pm, he said he had a good time.

Steps 11,627



  1. When I turned 64, I played "When I'm 64" by the Beatles. More than two years later, it's not so funny

  2. 37.5c here in Melbourne today and the next two days. I am already hot at 35c

  3. Happy belated birthday to Tim!
    Sounds really hot and sticky to me--awk! I don't think I'd do well in Australia--lol!

  4. Hope Tim had a great birthday, and we still haven't had our Christmas gift exchange yet...

  5. That was quite the week you and your family had, Jo-Anne. Lots to celebrate and lots to do. Blessings!

  6. Happy birthday Tim! Hope it was a nice one.


Sechuran Fox

This week we are looking at the Sechuran fox, also called the Peruvian desert fox or the Sechuran zorro, is a small South American species o...