Saturday, 1 February 2025

Hello February


First up you will find my hodgepodge post here:

Next you can find my getting to know me post here:


Here we are at the start of February, so I am, kicking off the month with some facts about February in Australia:

  • Seasons

In Australia, February is part of summer, which runs from December to February. 

  • Birthdays

People born in February are said to be unique, creative, and generous. Their birthstone is amethyst, and their birth flowers are violet and iris. 

  • Holidays

Some holidays celebrated in February in Australia include Lunar New Year, Valentine's Day, and the anniversary of the Apology to the Stolen Generations. 

  • Historical events

Some historical events that happened in February in Australia include:

    • 1793: John Macarthur established Elizabeth Farm at Parramatta 
    • 1798: Matthew Flinders explored the Furneaux Islands in Bass Strait 
    • 1851: Edward Hargraves discovered gold near Bathurst, which started the first Australian gold rush 
    • 1990: Carmen Lawrence became the first female Premier of Western Australia 

In February in Australia, a key special day is the "National Apology Anniversary" on February 13th, which marks the anniversary of the apology to the Stolen Generations; additionally, depending on the lunar calendar, Lunar New Year may fall in February, which is widely celebrated in the country. 

Other notable days in February in Australia may include:

  • Lunar New Year: Celebrated by many Asian communities in Australia, the date varies based on the lunar calendar. 
  • World Day of Social Justice: Observed on February 20th. 
  • Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month: The entire month of February is dedicated to raising awareness about ovarian cancer. 

In my own family we have four birthdays in the month starting with my daughter Natasha on the 14th, then my granddaughter Summer on the 21st, next is my great-nephew Daemon on the 22nd and lastly we have his sister my great-niece Thea.



  1. I’d like to hear about the Apology to the Stolen Generations. That’s intriguing

    1. I will see what I can find out and do a post on it

  2. Carmen Lawrence was a great academic, State politician and Federal politician. She was no older than me, but always served as a role model.

  3. February is a busy month! Interesting to know a little more about Australia.

  4. Interesting information. I'm embarrassed to admit I know little about Australia. In Minnesota winter is generally from November through April, but it is changing. April often is warmer now.

    1. I do these posts to share information and help people learn stuff

  5. I loved learning about your February celebrations in Australia, Jo-Anne. So different from the States! Blessings!

  6. Those are interesting facts. My daughter in law Gabby is on the 14th too! Enjoy the birthdays.

  7. I've never much cared for Februarys, but I guess we'll see.


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